Chapter 9

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disclaimer: there is some sexual content in this chapter. if you do not want to read this, continue to the next chapter. just a heads up :)

After the school day, which felt like an eternity, it was time to go home. We walked home from school since we only lived a few blocks away. I walked with Cameron, Ethan and Grayson had football or something after school.

"So, how was your first day? Did you get pushed into a locker? Someone steal your lunch money?" she chuckled.

I smiled. "Nope. But, I did get this super cute guys number!"

She giggled. It felt good to have her as a sister. Someone I could gossip too and share my secrets. I've never had a foster sister and in my real home I was the only child, so it was a change. "Oooooh. Who was it?" Cameron grinned, thirsty for more information.

"Uhh, Austin I think his name is. One of your brother's friends."

"Austin? Austin Welch?! The one and only underclassman fuckboy" she laughed. "He's a good looking one. But be careful. For real. He just wants to hit it and quit it. He has a bad rep." she patted my shoulder.

"I'll be careful." I winked. She laughed.

We got home. I pulled out my phone that Mrs. Dolan had given me to use. I gulped as I typed in Austins number. I sent him a simple "Hey it's Allison", and stared at my phone waiting for a response. He answered after a few minutes.

Austin: hey cutie:) what ya doing

Me: hanging out.. alone. and I'm bored

Austin: hmm. seems like you could use some company.

I scratched my head. Was I moving to fast?

Oh please, I've spent my whole life worrying about what could happen rather than just making it happen on my own. I had nothing to loose,  I needed to stop being the shy, insecure girl I was. I needed to put myself out there.

Me: I think I could. Cameron's leaving soon for a study group, boys are at school, and parents are at work. wanna come over? ;)

ALLY. DONT BE A HOE. Well, it was too late for my conscience to take over, I had already sent it. And what's so wrong with being a little hoe-ish here and there? Right?

Austin: sounds like a plan. I'm on my way b :)

He arrived about 10 minutes later. Cameron had left a few minutes before. I had brushed my teeth ( just in case) and brushed my hair so I looked somewhat decent. He was way taller than me, probably about 6 foot. His hair was messy, but not the gross messy, but the super attractive messy. He let himself inside.

"So I'm assuming you've been here before" I asked.

"Yup," he said. I hangout with Ethan and Gray here all the time"

Hearing there names sent a wave of guilt over me. What is wrong with me? This is so messed up. I've only been here what, a day? And I'm already taking advantage of them and sneaking boys inside? But it was too late to turn back now. He was already here.

I snapped back into the conversation. "Oh, cool" I stuttered. "Uh, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Anything, as long as it includes being close to you." He winked. My heart melted a little bit.

We sat down and played a movie. And of course with every movie came a make out sesh.

I found my self fixed on top of him, our lips interlocked. His hands grasped my back side, pulling me closer. His hands felt around me and slide down my jeans. I gasped and felt myself breathing heavier. He picked me up, continuing to kiss me and carried me upstairs. I wondered where he was going, but I didn't think too much about it. All I thought about was how good he was at kissing. I felt him plunk me down on a bed. It was Grayson's. He started to pull something out of his pocket. It was a condom.

I pulled away. "What are you doing?"

"Shh." He started to unwrap the condom and put it on. Then he started to remove my pants as well.

"Stop. What are you doing?" I tried to make distance between us. It's not that I was scared. I wasn't a virgin. But it was just I have only been here for a day. A single day, and here I was, about to fuck some guy I basically know nothing about in my own foster brothers bed. There was so much wrong with this.

"Baby, please. Stop worrying. Please, I just want to be inside of you." He seemed upset.

"Please stop. Really. This isn't right."

He didn't stop. He forced himself on me.

"Stop!" I yelled louder. And he did.

"What the fuck? Why are you being such a prude?" he rolled his eyes.

That fired me up. A prude? I'm a prude because I'm in my foster brothers bed and I don't want to have sex with a guy I literally just met. Fine. I give up. Why did I try to be such a good person? Why do I show so much care? Why do I try? When in return, what do I get? Nothing. I get nothing. Why can't I just be one of those kids that turn completely reckless due to their horrible past. Get drunk, smoke weed, fuck guys. Why couldn't I just be one of those people? Why was I so scared to make something good of myself when there's no reward. So I decided now is when I would stop trying.  I had no reason to.

So I let him have sex with me. There wasn't that love and emotion you get when your with someone you love, and nothing will ever compare to that feeling. But I've accepted that those feelings will never really come for a long time in my shitty life, so I had to accept that.

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