Chapter 5

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*Two months later......*

Alexi's POV:
It has been two month since Luke left for California. Everything was pretty normal, but it wasn't like the way it was when Luke was here. We FaceTime and texted often, but I still wish he was here It was Monday morning and I already hated it. Cuz who likes Monday?

*Brinngg* *Brinngg*
The annoying sound of my annoying alarm clock woke me up from my wonderful dream.
"Why can't you just shut up!!" I yell throwing my alarm clock across the room.
I rolled over to my phone to text Luke.
Morning!☀️: sent to Luke
Weird, he didn't answer, I thought to myself. I shrugged, he probably busy or something.

I headed toward the bathroom to get ready for school. After I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, I walked over to my closet to choose what to wear. I picked out a large over sized sweater, with my blue jeans, and my white converse. I walked over to check my phone, but still no text message. I grabbed my phone and my backpack and went downstairs. My mom left for work early in the morning as usual to get to the hospital. I grabbed a granola bar and headed out the door.

I walked over to my car and sat down in the drivers seat. It was odd not having Luke here in the car. It was a fifteen minute drive to school. I got out to go to my locker to get my books. And met up with my friend Michelle but we weren't as close as I was with Luke.

"Hey," I say to her.

"What's up," she asks

"Schoooollll," I whine to her.

"Well if we don't go we're gonna be late," she says pushing my playfully.

My first period was English, with the teacher that barely taught anything. The class was out of control as usual. This period was soon over, but Luke still hasn't texted back.

This day went by slowly and painfully because every single class was so boring. Finally I walked to my precious car my dad gave me a while ago. Which is why it matters so much to me. When I went home the house was still quiet which meant my mom was still at the hospital. I checked my phone and I saw I had a new message

To Lexi: Sorry I didn't answer earlier. I just had been so busy lately with my new friends and moving into a new house. Do you wanna FaceTime later? Ok, I gotta go bye! Love you!

I grabbed a snack from my kitchen and made my way to my room. I called Luke to see he was busy, but surprising he answered.

"Hey Lukey!!" I say to him on FaceTime.

His face appeared on my laptop a few moment later. I saw that he had cut his hair, but somehow he looked a little different than I last saw him.

"Hiii! How's school treating you?" He asked.

"Boring, because you aren't here" I frown giving him puppy dog eyes.

He laughs and say,"Well I like it here, I already made a few friends!"

I heard his mom call him for dinner. Since the time was different it was hard to find a time to FaceTime him.

"Sorry Lexa I have to go, talk to you later?" Luke said.

"Ok, bye," I said with a tight smile. I pretended to be fine with him leaving, but I don't want him to go.

I click the end button and closed my laptop. Sighing I flopped onto my bed thinking about if Luke also missed me.

Soon it was almost midnight and I was exhausted from all the stupid homework we had. I sent a quick text to Luke but of course he didn't respond.

I woke up to the the sunlight burning my eyes and my alarm clock beeping to wake me up. I reached over to see if Luke had texted back, but of course he didn't. It began to feel like a regular routine. I checked my instagram to check if there were any new posts. I was scrolling down my feed until I saw that Luke had posted a picture. It was a picture of a girl by his side and his arms around his waist. I felt a pang of jealousy but I just tried to ignore it.

I didn't know why was I jealous since Luke as only a friend but maybe times have changed. Maybe I didn't just see him as a friend, maybe something more. But he's more than a thousand miles away so there's nothing I can do about it except to wait.

💙 ✨ 💙✨ 💙 ✨ 💙 ✨

Kinda of random but I changed her name Alexa to Alexi just cuz. And her nickname is Lexi which is kinda why I changed her name cuz of vampire diaries. Also if I forgot to change the name in some parts just tell me please. I will try to update if I get to 7 votes. There nothing else to say but please vote.
McKay BYEEE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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