Pokemon Go: Teams

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Before I start, please don't take any of this the wrong way. Thank you.

Okay so... I'm honestly getting extremely annoyed by the team hate? Why is there hate in the first place?

I chose team Mystic and I'm kinda tired of Valors treating us like we suck, and other Mystics doing the same to them. Like why the fuck does it matter? I was recently told to burn in hell because of the team I chose. Like, honestly, go fuck yourself if you're someone who does that over a Pokemon game. The game was made to be fun and interactive while also getting some exercise in the process. Don't shame a person for the team they chose.

I'm gonna be flat out honest here. I chose Mystic because:
1.) Some friends that I go Pokemon hunting with chose Mystic. I was just starting the game, so it didn't really matter to me what team I chose. They were already pretty experienced being levels 11 and 15 so I just went with their choice.
2.) I admit, this reason sucks. But I'm a sucker for the color blue. It's always been my fav color and that's what made me choose Mystic cuz I'm a terrible person. I also love the logo's design. Go ahead and hate me.

I've never played an actually Ds or game boy Pokemon game in my life because my parents never got them for me. Same goes with never watching any of the shows, I never found a chance to at that age.

I'm currently at level 8 and I'm having a lot of fun playing the game, despite my inexperience. What's really starting to ruin it for me is the constant fucking hate. Like I said, a Valor shit on me just for being Mystic over the Internet.

Not all Valors are considered savage or arrogant: I met some really nice Valors on Instagram and they never said a word about me being Mystic. Some of them are actually pretty calmand collected, having little to no arrogance when it comes to gym battles.
Not all Instincts are considered underdogs: some of the Instincts I've seen actually act like the stereotype of a Valor, just extremely low key. They don't want to fight anyone in real life but they seem a bit on the asshole/cocky side to me.
Not all Mystics are considered nerdy or uptight: I admit, me and my Pokemon hunting friends are nerdy, but not in the way we're interpreted to be. Mystics are considered nerdy as in school smarts. We're just a bunch of fandom nerds. And nowhere near as uptight. Honestly, if you actually get to know me, you'd see I'm one of the easiest going people you can talk to, despite my depression, anxiety, and stress.
These are only from members of teams I actually talk to on Insta and in real life, I'm not saying everyone acts like my descriptions. I'm just trying to prove that the stereotypes are bullshit.

The game was made for you to socialize with others while also having fun. The team hate is ruining it for me and several other people. If you're one of the people that's telling a certain team to burn in hell, fucking stop. You're being immature and acting rude as fuck for literally no reason other than to glorify your own team.

I'm actually starting a tag for this, no one's gonna stop me.

Alright I'm done. Minty out. ✌🏻️


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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