Be Happy

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I knew something would go wrong.

She passed the small houses, her feet hurting from all the running and her heart pumping battery acid through her veins. She could barely see anything in the dark leading her to step in several puddles, the water splashing onto her blue jeans. Luckily, the streetlights with a set space between them guided her through the streets. Her loose hair kept being pushed into her face, her cross necklace bumping into her shoulders with every step she took.

I can handle it. She'll be alright...

She felt her black shirt sticking to her warm skin as she tried to regain control of her breath. Luckily, she was able to slow a little down when she finally spotted her house. This charming house with old windows and old doors, but impressive in size in comparison to the surrounding homes. She passed the gray mailbox with the number 27 imprinted on it and the names R. Marsh and E. Marsh underneath. As she went to open the slightly rusty brown door, she could finally feel the air reaching her lungs again. She quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind her, water dripping down from her onto the wooden floor. Without wasting a heartbeat, Kate ran at a steady pace through the living room, past the family portrait that showed a group of people presenting insincere smiles.

"Lynn, I'm here!" Kate yelled as she took the first step up the stairs. The lack of response from her younger sister concerned her, but she kept her equanimity and while walking upstairs, she checked her pockets just to make sure she still had it. The house was shrouded in darkness, but fortunately, a sharp light shined through one of the doors when she reached the end of the staircase. Before she even had the chance to open up into her sister's room, she could already hear the gasping for air coming from inside.

"Lynn?!" Kate pushed the door open as she was met with a frightening sight, her little sister Lynn, lying in her small bed looking as if she was suffocating. Her gasps for air were the sounds of struggling; the little girl lying under her blanket along with her two stuffed animals next to her.

"I got you, I got you" The bright light on the nightstand as fortunately on, making it easy for Kate to navigate around the toys on the floor as she hurried to her sister's aid. She quickly placed herself next to the bed, trying to get Lynn's attention as she pulled out the inhaler from her front pocket and quickly shook it before taking the cap off. "Okay, breathe out" Kate tried to keep her visible panic level low, trying to seem confident in front of her 8-year old sister, but it was obvious to tell that she was scared. Luckily, she managed to keep her hands steady as she placed the inhaler close to her sister's mouth and laid her other hand on Lynn's head.
"You ready? Take a deep breath"

Just as Kate pressed the top of the inhaler; Lynn twitched and moved her head to the side as she closed her eyes shut as she kept hyperventilating.

"What is it?" Kate felt the sudden realization hit her as she looked at her sister's frightened face.
"Oh God, you need the spacer" the hair on Kate's neck began rising as she looked around the room, her mind completely blank as to where the spacer for the inhaler could be. She took a deep breath before she looked back at her sister.
"Okay, Lynn, listen to me," she said, as she began rubbing her thumb on her sister's forehead.
"You're gonna have to be brave, alright? We need to do this without the spacer, but I promise it'll be okay"

Again, Kate shook the inhaler a few times and looked into Lynn's eyes with a sanguine expression and steady hands. "Okay, here we go, open your mouth wide like eating a big sandwich" Kate spoke in the softest voice she was able to while her little-sister nodded shakily, looking as if she was trying to say something, but unable to do so. Lynn was lying on her long hair, going down her back and only the top of nightgown showing underneath the blanket as she opened her mouth, Kate slowly placed the inhaler close to her mouth and letting her thumb hover on the top.
"You're doing so well" Kate smiled, letting the light from the lamp on the nightstand light up her face.
"Put your lips around and get ready to breathe in" Lynn was somewhat struggling with the task as it would stop her intake of air for a short period of time and it clearly frightened her, but Kate's comforting eyes reassured her sister that it would be over before she knew it, leading Lynn to unflinchingly tilt her head up slightly and place her lips around the end of the inhaler and as soon as she did, Kate pressed the top of the inhaler to let the dose of medicine pass through.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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