☆ Prologue ☆

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A/N: I really love Lance, okay? So here's some Lance trash for everyone! I'll start writing it October or November since it gives me time to try and finish my Keith x Reader! I thought Lance needs (me to) love (him) which lead to me writing something with the idea of the first star we see. I googled a lot and the first star we see at night could be Venus or Jupiter so that ruined my plan a little. Polaris is the 50th star that is visible in the north sky and is made of one major star and two dwarf stars that move around the actual star blah blah.... Ah, this sounded like a good idea... so much more complicated.... So much effort..... Anyway, here's my introduction!

Information guide for characters:

Cynosure: name of one of the dwarf stars, the one closest to Polaris A. (Also known as Polaris AB)

Lodestar: name of one of the dwarf stars, the one furthest away from Polaris A. (Also known as Polaris B)

Polaris: Name of the north star and has something to do with the main main protagonist. (I feel like NASA is going to be after me for this if I messed up any of the information... Also, Cynosure + Lodestar were just some originated names some other countries used to call Polaris A. I just used them because I don't think there's an actual name for Polaris AB or B. let's hope NASA understands that I did my best to research up on this star(s) and how they work...)


Star light,

Star bright,

The first star I see tonight,

I wish I may,

I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight

"Wish granted, child," she whispers, unfolding her arms and legs, eyelids fluttering open.

For a moment, the woman engulfed in a yellow glow saw the little boy on a hologram screen, innocent smile creeping on the childish features of his. The boy couldn't hear the soft reply of hers, although she continuously felt that she needed to answer the prayers of the spoken humans. 'I wish I could make my parents the happiest ever! Oh, also, mrs. Star, can you squeeze in a puppy? I've always wanted one,' she could read his thoughts clearly, the wish easily granted. Like a cocoon, she positions herself in a yellow orb of light before closing her eyes. This is how she was born, how she stayed for centuries and centuries, and most of all, how she lived.

She was born to monitor the wishes of humans and other living beings, to guide them on the right paths towards north, that's all she was born to do. Nothing else besides those two tasks. She was a living diety, destined to protect the 50th star that could be seen by the human eye quite easily. A guardian you could even say. She lived a peaceful life as the star's life force, drifting off and helping those in need. Though she wasn't the first star those people saw at night, she was simply a decoy, a fake, what Earth people might even call a scam. It didn't matter, she still thought of helping those who truly believed in wishing apon a star, that it could bring hope to their unconventional lives that they love or loathe so dearly.

O' mighty guardian, it is I, Cynosure, the all too familiar male voice had spoken loudly, causing a ringing to her ears. It's been a while since she's heard anything, anybody so clearly, after all, she has been a sleep for some time. Which meant no one's made a wish for some time. Cynosure... I, the guardian can hear you, please don't raise your voice like that, she responds, telepathically. Pardon me for bothering you during your slumber, but-, Cynosure had stopped suddenly, all she could hear was a soft goodbye before the communication cut off, filling her thoughts with nothing but the worst outcome possible.

Cynosure, she called, eyes shooting open. She felt drained and a pounding headache coming on, the feeling was not new however. Gleaming (e/c ) eyes scan the area to locate her two companions. Nowhere. Lodestar, answer me please, she says, blinking before setting her foot on the cold floor. She was hesitant to proceed, when was the last time she actually walked around the empty room of hers? It was no good, her legs gave out immediately, hitting the floor which caused an echo through the hollow room.

"Cynosure? Lode...star..." she mutters, faintly but enough for her melodic voice to resonate through the small area, "answer me,"

No reply. She closed her eyes once again, mind fogging, this was strange. She was far too tired, as if every movement exhausted her energy more and more, this wasn't normal at all. As the guardian, she shouldn't feel so powerless. She quickly made the barrier of light, drifting off quickly. It was the only thing she could do, especially since she was weary from the amount of energy she lost for no apparent reason.


"Hello?" a voice resounds, though it felt like it was far, far away from her, "heeeelloooo," there it was again.

"Did you find something, Hunk?" another one.

"Kind of, look,"

"What is it?" someone asks.

She could hear all of it, three male voices echoing throughout the hollow room. She had enough strength to flutter her eyelids open, five visible figures standing before the guardian of the star, faces fuzzy from being asleep for so long, then she saw them. Humans. Shocked at the sudden realization, she stopped the glowing orb concealing her presence.

And the first thing that escaped her lips was, "who are you humans?"

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