3.The Teacher Next Door.

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Arabelle's Pov:
This week was crazy. Crazy would be the understatement though, I would describe it as in freaking sane. The new teacher was creeping me out but on the other hand something was different a good different something which I couldn't exactly put my finger on, he left me confused baffled and maybe had arised in me a need to know who he was.
The start of a new week, toture yet again.... What the Hades is wrong with me,never have I had the remotest of interest in speaking to people, I wouldn't call myself anti-social just maybe keeping to myself made people think that. I looked at the clock beside my bed and realised I was late yet again... gotta stop making a habit outta this god freaking damn it.
I ran and made it to my locker in 10 minutes phew saved! But then as fate would have it a voice interrupted my marathon run towards the class
"What do we have here? My favourite student being tardy running down the halls?"
It was him.. I could recognise him anywhere as though he meant something to me.
I slowly turned around, to meet his smoldering gaze and that sly smirk, that was forever plastered on his face.
He said I am his favourite student since when?
"As far as I remember we met a week ago I surely can't be your favourite student yet?"
"You highly doubt my intentions Ms.Steele you have been my favourite since I saw you."
Wait what?
He stated at me in a way that was indescribable, like his eyes said something that his words would be unable to say.
I stared at him for what seemed a really long time, but was only a few minutes, finally able to get a hold of myself I tore my gaze away staring at the ground. He snapped to his senses and back into teacher mode.
"Well for your tardiness you will have detention with me after school."
Huh why me of all people and with him? Life certainly hates me.
"No comments Ms.Steele I expect you for detention after school or expect a month worth detention with me for skipping it and avoiding this one. Have a nice day ahead."
Now I made my decision I wouldn't attend detention no matter what the consequences were.

Post Lunch break:
I had two study halls after lunch, since I had A grades in every subject I used the study halls, as extra revision time I could skip it and Ms. Ryles, wouldn't mind anyway. So I left to go home.
Dinner was a usual affair with jokes and laughter that prevailed at the table, just like a happy home would be and it's my home and I reveled in the fact.
Although I didn't expect this:
We had a new neighbour, the people that lived in the said house moved away, that usually kept to themselves so they could be like the breeze, that comes and goes and you only acknowledge it, when it strikes you. I hoped we had friendly people it would be a change, from the monotonous life we live. Ironic isn't it? The person that lives in a glass house, wants to suddenly open her doors wide open?
Today I came home to find out about, the said nieghbour and how my ever friendly and welcoming parents, invited them to dinner tonight. And now they stood outside the door. My  stepdad ushered the person inside, while I waited with my mom near the door.
And there he was.....
Kellan Woods my Literature Teacher, stood in front of me with an ever present smirk and his eyes that sparked to a brighter brown if it could be any brighter or beautiful than they were  already..
"Hello Arabelle, Mrs. Steele how are you this evening?"
He took my mother's hand and shook it lightly as a way of greeting and he shifted his eyes to mine and stared at me intently a bright smile shot my way.
"No way in hell is he my nieghbour, gods how am I going to deal with him being around me 24/7? "
After aimless conversation, it was finally time for dinner and I was suprised considering how well he bonded with my parents and just my luck, I was made to sit near him. This is gonna be long....
But I came to know a lot about him. He loves books, animals and music. He has a sister, his mom lives with him as they moved here a while ago.
"Why did you move?" The question, comes without hesitation, me aching to know more.
He sighed,with the saddest hint of a smile, as if remember a distant memory.
"I needed to start fresh needed a breath of fresh air from all that strangled me." In his eyes surfaced many emotions, mostly sadness and longing. It's not easy, to leave the place you call home. My heart stung.
So much for curiosity, Ara.
Seems like we have so much in common maybe we could get along. Hopefully.
"You know what? I think Kellan likes you."
What? He likes me?
"And what makes you think that mom?"
"The way he looks at you makes me think that."
"Whatever mom." The conversation dismissed there.
My dad told me to show him my library, since we shared a interest or rather a love for literature.
I entered the room and my attitude changed completely, its funny how a place can have that kind of an effect on you. This place was my solitude, my sanctuary, where I could be whoever I wanted to be, where I could create my own world.
He seemed to share my fascination and looked with awe around the room and his eyes finally met mine and I didn't even ignore him and his stares he captivated me in ways even words would not be able to explain....
We discussed books and random things. His favourite was Gone With The Wind, mine was Percy Jackson. Time seemed to fly for some unknown reason maybe it was because I was with him or maybe it was just him...
"Look Ara , I know we got off on the wrong foot but I wanna make a fresh start could we be friends?" He said with earnesty.
"Why did you call me Ara?"
"Cause your special to me."
Utter silence hung in the room, this silence seemed to fill the space for the words, that were hard to form and we revelled in the fact that silence was the answer to the questions in our minds.
I walked to the door him right behind me so close that I could feel his breath in my neck, his presence sending waves of shock through my body.
Just as I opened the door, he held my hand spun me around so I was facing him out eyes locked neither of us daring to look away.
He spoke:
"What are you doing to me? However hard I try I can't stay away from you. What is this? "
As much as I wanted to say something I didn't know how to answer his question, when I was searching for the answer myself.
He kept looking at me finally he leant in, kissed my forehead and without uttering another word, left leaving me to drown in my thoughts that were completely his....

Chapter 3
Sorry it took so long writers block is a bitch...again.
The next chapters will be long
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