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In a town like this; no one let's anything go. It doesn't matter what the fuck it just so happens to be as long as it can distract them from their complete shit lives.

This day's topic was Jupiter's dead girlfriend. It wasn't like Lélia and Jupiter were serious-fuck no-but it, them acting like the flies feasting away on the Butchers shop's already rot riddled meat, still made Jupiter want gut them. Lélia was a nice girl. The kind of nice girl that got A's with ease and actually had the decency to be polite, even to assholes who didn't deserve it.

"I'm glad Lélia finally fucked herself up enough to finally end. Fuck'en cunt is better off dead," a brunette  girl 'whispered' which for her meant a loud breathy voice apparently. Jupiter slams her locker shut. It rattles loudly throughout the halfway empty hall.

"Mallorie Dennis," Jupiter states calmly, her brown eyes narrowed into slits. The said girl smirks and tilts her head, beckoning her other seemingly flawless friend with a jutted out slender shoulder and sweeping her maroon eyes in Jupiter's general direction. That friend closes her tidy locker and develops a devious grin of her own.

"Well if it isn't lil old Junie," Mallorie coos, eyeing Jupiter out from under her thick lashes. “You’ve putt'n on a few pounds.”  Dawn covers her glossy mouth and giggles. Jupiter clenched her fists while imagining smashing the girl's faces into oblivion. She briskly walks to them instead, her combat boots smacking across the dimly lit hall. Don't lose it. It isn't worth it. Don't lose it damnit.

She leans against Mallorie's locker causing the bare skin of their arms to brush. Mallorie shuttered a bit, butting her lip then looking away.

“You know you love my curves, babe. I know you…”

“You're going to hell to ya' know,” spits Mallorie's short sidekick, flicking back her ponytail of dirty blond curls and sneering nastily. Jupiter rolls her eyes but takes a step away from Mallorie. Mallorie sighs, inspecting her claw-like nails. They shine.

“Yeah and so am I for liking sex, short skirts and strong liquor" Mallorie scoffs "you should really consider becoming a nun, Dawn. You're basically there already.” Mallorie is the fun one. The one who likes a good fuck like she likes her mother's whiskey. Strong and burning to be memorable. Jupiter hates her the most though. Mostly because of the small fact that Mallorie fucked her. Physically and mentality if you haven't guessed already.

Dawn’s eyes becomes apprehensive, a beta bowing to Alpha. You would think she is the worst out of the two but really, she's just your run of themill in almost all ways average high school bitch. Something you can easily deal with if you can confuse her. If your ass of a boyfriend cheated on you, she'd be the first to know and probably be the 'helping' him too if you're really unlucky. She likes knowing things. Especially things she isn't supposed to. Dawn also likes lying.

"I heard that you are the one who made her lose it." A few students stop, heads snapping up in morbid curiosity, if they haven't already and gather closer, thirsting for drama. Flies. Nasty flies. Ravenous. Not to close though. They know Jupiter . Have for years. She is not someone to piss off.

"I heard you fucked Mr. Mich." Jupiter smiles when Dawn's face flushes profoundly. Mallorie also smiles but then quickly swipes it away. She step forward, getting between the two, heels clicking. Jupiter eyes her nicely toned long legs all the way down to her sexy fucken heels.

"Dawn, let's go. We'll get in deep shit if we don't." Dawn looks so shocked, brown eyes wide, pink lips parted. Jupiter cackles even after they click away, a scowl itching Dawn’s pretty face into something nasty. The other students lose interest until her stomach hurts and her eyes shine. She sighs afterwards, calming herself. Man did that feel good. Jupiter had not laughed like that in awhile.

The air loses it's usually suffocatingly hot temperature, the school is unventilated as always, becoming an almost instant shoulder-racking chill or it may just be the prickling awareness of another presence putting Jupiter on edge. Whatever it is- it’s not welcome. Jupiter slides for slim phone out her back pocket, texting her brother while heading towards the exit. As soon as the last of the teens clears out, the long over head lights flicker as a someone slowly comes up behind Jupiter's slightly hunched over frame. His heavy black leather boots squeak against the murky gray and green flooring. It's caked with thin splotches of dust, muddy imprints of shoes, and stray pieces of crumpled paper, presumably unfinished homework.

Pale narrow hands slowly inch towards her back...

"Ow! Shit! What the hell? Purr!" Jaime huffs from against a now even more dented locker. Jupiter has the collar of a rolling stones t-shirt he “borrowed” from her between her slightly shaking small hands causing his boots to graze the green speckled ground. She quickly drops him.

"Your such a idiot Jaime. I told you to never sneak up on me!" Jupiter growls, irritated. She hates it when people sneak up on her. Jaime looks up at her, agast, running his hand through his mop of black curls, his pale face even paler. His wiry arms swing back to his sides, tattoo riddled. The lights stop flickering. Muffled voices spill from behind the few polished wood doors that stand by the long rows of lockers. It makes Jupiter on edge but she pretends not be. She’s just so damn tired. Then he starts laughing. The idiot.

"When do I ever listen?" Jupiter rolls her eyes in reply and helps him up, running a hand through her own deep black hair. Her thin fingers catch in the curls.

"Lets just get the hell out of here. I'm done with today," she rubs her eyes and yawns to prove her point. Jaime sighs his why-do-I-always-have-to-be-the-good-guy sigh and heads to the two metal exit doors, shoes smacking loudly on the floor. Jaime's  open a locker, his, and pulls out all his books, hefty and spewing out pages. They continue walking down the empty hall. Towards the exit doors.

"The day hasn’t even started. It can't possibly be that hard to go to sleep before it's morning, Purr. Can it?" Jupiter follows behind Jaime's tall and lean frame.

"Nightmares, my dear innocent brother," Jupiter sighs, eyes vacant, her body feeling sore and just overall weak to put up with the bullshit this day had planned just for her sorry ass. "Fucking nightmares."

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