Something...Good (I guess)

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I've been this size for three months, well one month. I grew a little when I realized love isn't weak. Now I'm in my cage all alone.

Well, I was alone. Until Cinderella's snobby, selfish son walked in. I knew he and the girls didn't get along, considering he tricked Evie into doing his homework. The girls were so mad Mal used a spell to change all the answers on his paper. So I was curious what he was doing.

He went over to Mal's side of the room and grabbed something off her bed.

When he picked it up I realized it was my-Mal's spellbook.

Worry passed through me as my mind came up with reasons Chad would be taking her spellbook.

When his phone rang I listened intently.

"Hey, everything ready? Did you get the needle? Spindle, whatever. OK. I'm on my way with Mal's book. We can put the plan into action right after. You know where to take her right? Good. Best case scenario she drowns. Yes, I know what that means! Worst case? The curse breaks. No matter what she will feel the affects of this curse. No not in the blueberries! Put it in the strawberries. They're her favorite. No, Ben told me after their first date. Oh put it in the water too. If she doesn't eat the strawberries push her in. Why do you hate her so much anyway aren't you one of this months VKs? Oh. Wow, you are more like your dad than I thought. Ok I get it. Your dad tried to kill beast and your just putting a curse on Mal. Gabe! I get it! Your not like your dad! Ok, I'm coming down, see you soon." Chad then walked out and I processed what he said.

Chad Not-So-Charming and Gabe Gaston we're putting a curse on my little girl! Wait, strawberries? She likes strawberries?

When he left he slammed the door. It shook the room and my glass tank fell, and shattered, setting me free. I didn't realize it though because I was too focused on the fact that someone would even dare to hurt the mistress of evil's daughter, my daughter. I also failed to realize the purple smoke forming around me as I grew. When I finally realized what was going on I smiled, and laughed. Not my usual evil cackle, but an actual happy laugh.

I had a chance to save my daughter.


"Hey, Mal!" I spun around to see Gabe, I half wondered what if he would flirt with me again, because it was getting annoying.

"What do you want Gaston?" I asked annoyed, obviously.

"I thought I told you to not call me by my Dad's name?" He said angrily.

"I didn't, I called you by your last name Gabe." I said bored,"Now, what do you want?"

"Can I talk to you..." I looked at him expectantly,"oh, privately." 

We went to the forest, and started walking aimlessly. Soon we got to the enchanted lake.

"What is this Gabe? Another lame attempt to win me over?!" I said, mad.

"No! No, I just needed to do something here after I talked to you. Two birds with one stone you know?" He said hurriedly,"Hey, you want some strawberries, I got some from the cafeteria, but couldn't eat them all."

"Ok," I took a bite,"what did you want to tell me?" I blatantly ignored the fact that I was getting more tired by the second.

"I just wanted to tell you... No one... Can save you now..." And with that he pushed me into the lake and the world went black.


I was with Evie in the library waiting  for Mal. Evie was tutoring me for science, and Mal was having problems so we all started doing this. Mal was 30 minutes late and we were getting worried.

"Maybe we should look for her." Evie said, getting up. We searched the school and met up at the empty tourney field, me with my back facing the bleachers.

"Something's wrong, I can't find her anywhere," I kept talking failing to notice Evie looking at the bleachers behind me and freezing up. When I finally noticed I got even more concerned.

"Evie?" I waved my hand in front of her and she flinched and took a step back.

I turned to see what she was staring at and saw...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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