All Under Control

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You remember how I said you fit the song Tell Her About It so well? Aw, Gabby, what a lie that was.

I realized it earlier today when we were walking out of school together. It's that one line-- "She's a trusting soul..." You'd laugh if you were reading this right now, Gabby, the girl who never trusts anyone who says "No, it's not hot anymore" or "I swear it doesn't hurt" or "It's not that deep". I'm not sure you really trust anyone but yourself. But who could blame you?

The point is, maybe I didn't think this through. Maybe I'm not so smart, yeah?

You know I don't just mean this one situation, this one little thing that doesn't matter.

I mean the endless stream of hard-won C's, the AP placement tests that always come back negative. That's one problem we've never shared. And I wouldn't wish it on you, with your parents, with their expectations.

But it's hard on my end. Never being in the same classes.

Still. You know you're the one person I can listen to rant about the frustrations of AP classes without feeling bitter. There's only part of you, of us, that can be called bitter-sweet. And I'm just not ready to tell you about it yet.

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