Chapter 8

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Hinata woke up the next morning exhausted. She took a shower and then went downstairs for breakfast. After an awkward breakfast with Neji and Hinabi she went back upstairs to her room. Her father left without her knowing as usual.

Knock knock

Hinata got up and opened her door she was surprised to see Hinabi at the door. 

"What is it?" Hinata asked still tired.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday." Hinabi said looking down.

"It's fine." Hinata said and was about to close the door when she saw Hinabi had her arms out.

Hinata looked surprised then smiled and hugged her little sister tightly.

"Hinata?" Hinabi asked while hugging her.

"Hmm?" Hinata replied.

"Your squeezing me to tight!" She said and then Hinata let go. They both giggled and then fell into an awkward silence.

"You wanna hang out and watch a movie or something?" Hinata asked pointing inside her room.

"Sure sis!" Hinabi said getting back to her old self she ran in and jumped on the bed.

"Alright let's watch a scary movie!" Hinabi said making a creepy face.

"Are you sure?" Hinata asked giggling at her little sisters funny faces.

"Yeah! I'm not a little girl anymore okay!" Hinabi stated.

"Fine." Hinata said and they watched a scary movie.

They were all snuggled up next to each other deep into the movie when a knock scared them. They opened the door to see Neji with a shocked face.

"Oh um your friends are at the door Hinabi." Neji said then walked away.

"Huh?" Hinabi really didn't have any friends except for...! Hinabi realized who it could have been and ran downstairs. Hinata followed since she was curious.

She peeked and saw three people at the door. She recognized two of them as Konohamaru and Moegi. The other little boy had glasses and snot coming out his mouth. They were talking about something and she noticed Hinabi blush when Konohamaru hugged her. She smiled to myself and went to my room.

She felt so lonely and her wounds hurt. Her best friends are mad at each other and possibly her. She didn't know what to do. She decided to call Sasuke then Naruto.

                 Hinata POV
I dialed his number and he picked up after the third ring.



"Sasuke say something other than hn."


"Not funny!"

"What do you want nerd?"

"Well first off you should apologize to Naruto. Second I'm very lonely so bring your duck butt over here!"

"I'm not apologizing for anything. I guess I can come over."

"Look Sasuke you know Naruto's your best friend since even before you met me! Just tell him sorry dude or something!"

"Hn fine whatever."

"Alright bye!"


I hung up and felt good about myself now that they were probably going to be back to normal. I heard knocking on my balcony door so I opened it and let Sasuke in. I always wondered how they got up here.

"Okay I'm here." Sasuke said and laid down on my bed.

"Well did you apologize yet?" I asked him.

"I'll do it later." Sasuke said which made me annoyed so I hit him. I knew it didn't hurt a lot but it hurt enough.

"Ow! What?!" Sasuke growls throwing the pillow at me. I threw it back and next thing I know we're in an all out pillow fight. Of course I won because I never give up.

"I'm going to invite him so your going to apologize!" I said as I pressed Naruto's name in my contacts. It dialed his number and I waited for him to pick up. After awhile he picked up.



"Come over?"

"Is you know who there?"

"No it's just me I'm lonely."

"Alright I'll be there."



I hung up and turned around to see Sasuke shaking his head.

"What?!" I asked honestly not knowing why he was doing that.

"You little lier!" Sasuke said still shaking his head.

"Oh shut it will ya!" I yelled throwing a pillow at his face.

I told Sasuke to get under my covers so Naruto would at least get in. He came and I locked the balcony door.

"So what do you wanna do?" Naruto asked as he laid down right on top of Sasuke.

"What the hell get off!" Sasuke yelled as he got from under the blankets.

"You!" Naruto yelled getting up I could tell he was pissed.

"And you! You lied to me!" Naruto yelled looking straight at me with his ocean blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Naruto okay it's the only way you would come." I explained.

"Anyways Sasuke has something he needs to tell you." I said looking at Sasuke.

Naruto directed his gaze at Sasuke instead of me.

"Naruto look what I said yesterday was wayyy out of line. I know I shouldn't have said such a horrible thing. I'm sorry Naruto I really am." Sasuke said looking away because he had to much pride.

Naruto looked down and sighed.

"Alright on one condition!" Naruto said staring into Sasuke's onyx eyes.

"What is it looser?" Sasuke asked smirking I think I know what Naruto's thinking.

"Let's go eat ramen! It's all on you Sasuke!" Naruto shouted.

Sasuke glared at Naruto and I just laughed at the whole situation.

"Tch whatever." Sasuke said  getting ready to go.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled.

We arrived after awhile since I had to practically sneak passed Neji. Naruto of course ordered his miso pork ramen right away. Sasuke and I had the same thing.

"Mmmm ramen is the best food in the world!" Naruto shouted while stuffing his face again.

"Shut up looser the best food is tomato." Sasuke argued while Naruto glared at him.

They started arguing for awhile until I said something.

"Guy c'mon we all know that cinnamon rolls are the best okay! Argument over." I stated continuing to eat my delicious meal.

I saw them both glaring at me and just smiled awkwardly. After we finished our meals Sasuke paid for them and they walked me home.

"We'll come get you in the morning!" Naruto shouted as they walked away and left me at my front door.

I walked in the house took a quick shower and got ready for bed. Oh how I love those two goofballs.

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