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Dear Mr. Frantastic,
If you pick me up from the airport, that would be amazing. I'd love for you to be the first person I see when I get off that plane. But please, don't go out of your way to pick me up. If you still need to record, please just continue to record. I'll find a way. Tell Kian he has to stay at home though. Andrea is with me now and she doesn't want him to know she's coming so soon. Don't tell anyone, not even wishbone.
Well my flight is boarding so I really have to go. I always hate goodbye but if you think about it, it's almost a hello. I'm so excited to see you though because my news is going to blow your mind. I hate to brag but my news might be a bit more exciting than yours, but every time you prove me wrong so we'll see. I'm also planning a little date for us two to catch up. See you soon. Love you.


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