Chapter 3: All the way to Paris pt.2

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Jia's POV:

we were all waiting at the business class lounge and apparently our flight got delayed for 1 hour. since I had nothing to do while waiting I decided to check twitter while drinking my iced coffee, and just as I expected. my mentions were going crazy. and it's all because a video that got posted by I don't know of Namjoon whispering something in my ear and then leaving me standing still and in shock for few moments.

but to be honest some of those people are hilarious. like the things they think he said are quite intreating. even though I did few hate tweets, I tried to ignore them and not pay that much attention to them.

Until one tweet surprised me so badly that I shocked on my drink, It said {Namjoon properly was like " You better be ready to get fucked in a public place". my boy gonna get some action}. HOW? like how did she know and why dose it have so many retweets. oh my god what of they actually believed this. they're going to hate me.

I swear to god I'm going to kill namjoon. and because I'm so lucky, he just got back from the toilet. "Kim Namjoon, a minute please" I said to him while pointing my finger to the unisex restroom. "Oh Hyung, what did you do. she sound mad" Jimin said laughing slightly. "hopefully you'll come back alive, because it look's like she's gonna kill you" Jungkook said looking a little amused and confused too.

Namjoon ignored what they said, and walked to the restroom in front of me. the moment I closed the door he started smirking, "Miss my touch already. that you couldn't wait till we get on the plane princess?". okay he really sound hot. but I gotta stay strong.

"Look" I said bringing my phone to his face. He looked at the screen for few seconds then started he laughing. Is he serious? why the fuck dose he find this funny?. "You think it's funny? boy your fans will kill me if they thought this is true" I said in a really annoyed tone. "Will it's kinda true though. but don't worry they won't do a thing to you".

"Yeah okay" I just didn't have anything else to say to. I was about to open the door and leave when he held my wrist. "I want to talk to you about something". he said in a sweet but nervous tone. "go ahead".

"you and I both know that we like each other since properly the first day you became a trainee at big hit, that's like 2 years. all those years I've been giving you hints. but you just didn't get it. And remember that time we we were at a restaurant and you said that all of are like brothers to you. You have no Idea how much I hated it. I liked you more than just a brother. I liked you as you are my soulmate. So Min Jia would you like being my girlfriend?"

I was so chocked that I started tearing up. I really like him. I like him a lot. It's just that I don't think that neither the company nor his fans will accept this. And I don't this I'll handle people hating me more.

"I really do like you Namjoon. But.." I said looking down while playing with my fingers hoping that it will calm me down. " but what Jia?. We both like each other and that's the most important part" he said slightly annoyed. "It's just that I don't think Big Hit or your fans will accept this. And I don't want to get us both in trouble" I was really frustrated. I wanted us to be together so bad but our jobs won't allow us.

"Jia. Big Hit will be totally okay with it as long as it's kept privately. No one other than Big Hit staff and the boys will know about it" he really does want us to be together. I love how determined he is about it. So even though its risky, I'll do it. I want to be happy with him.

"Okay. I'll be your girlfriend" I said while smiling at him. "Oh my god really?" His face totally lightened up and I don't think I've seen him as happy as this unless they won an award.

"So now I can kiss you whenever I want?" He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face which made my heart to soften. "I guess" I looked to the side slightly blushing knowing that he wanted to kiss me.

"Well then I'm allowed to do this" he said holding my face with his huge hand and suddenly I can feel his sweet soft amazing plumb lips against mine. Our lips were moving together in a way mixed with love and lust.

Just as he was about to use his tongue someone started knocking the door. Like seriously why when things gets exciting someone has to destroy it.

He pulled away and I fixed my lipstick so that stupid Jungkook won't make a comment about it again. We left the restroom and were walking next to each other to the boys.

When we got closer to the boys. Namjoon's hand found their way to mine. I was quite shocked but I liked how his hand felt on mine. Oh my god what will they boys say.

"OH MY GOD. WAIT WHAT???" Hoseok voice was so loud that it got a the others attention. "Ya Hoseok why are so loud" Yoongi said throwing the cushion behind him to his face. "Are you two are like a couple now? You must be since you're holding hands and that never happened before" Hoseok said with a really confused look on his face.

" you guys are like a thing now? But since when? And why were we not aware of that" Seokjin was so shocked that he started looking at us with a half open mouth. "Oh my god Jia how could you not tell me about this before, I though that we were close" Taehyung was slightly disappointed, but also confused since I would usually tell him everything.

"Finally I guess since Namjoon been trying to get you since you started working with big hit. But I really did not expect you guys to tell us like that and in this place" Jimin who seemed more happy that confused said. Because apparently he knew that Namjoon liked me.

"So that explains the 'business talk' you had earlier with the closed bedroom door, and I guess you had it again since Namjoon has your lipstick all over his lips". Oh my god I swear to god I'm going to kill this boy one day. How did I handle this Jeon Jungkook all those years.

"It just happened but no one will know about this expect us guys. We don't want this to become a big deal" Namjoon said while we both took a seat on the couch. They boys replied with bunch of "oh yeah. Sure don't worry Hyung"

But the only thing that concerned me that most that Yoongi looked at us in disbelief and didn't even say a word about. He just got up from his seat and went to the toilet.

Yoongi's POV:

I was really shocked. I did not expect them to get together. My heart was starting to hut and I felt that I could bunch anyone right now. Instead I got Off my seat and went straight to the restroom.

I locked the door and started breathing heavily. My heart hurts so bad. I guess that what heartbreak feels like.

I never imagined that the girl who I liked the most. And literally the only girl who takes care of me whenever I'm not taking care of myself due to work. The only girl that tries her best to get me out of the studio, to get some fresh air.

She would take me to the roof top and give me some ice cream during summer and some hot coffee during winter. Telling me to relax and have a really deep breath. While talking to me about anything possible to just get my mind of work for few minutes.

The girl that I loved the most. The girl that I lost to one of my really close friends.


hello beautiful person.

Soooooo? what do you think about think? I tried my best in the chapter, since I already had in mind the main events. I just didn't know how to make them run smoothly and everything seems connected.

Just like I said before, each and every member will have a big part in this story. And as you saw earlier. Yoongi's part is starting to appear. The other members parts will eventually appear you just have to stay patient.

I really hope you enjoyed it. Please support, Vote, comment and share it will mean a lot.

Thank you.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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