Easy as One, Two...

30 4 1

    THREE! That's how many punches to the face it always takes for those monsters to go down! He landed, catching the grief seed in his gauntlet, his weapon. And of course, he purified his tri colored gem. He had to keep fighting, after all! There were more people to be saved from those nasty witches!

    As he walked out, he was greeted by crowds. He was the hero. Though, he wasn't quite concerned about that. He took a picture from his pocket, looking on the crowd of former victims of the now deceased witch. In the picture was a man, petite, with messy blonde hair and green eyes like emeralds. He was laughing in the picture.

    "Have any of you ever seen this man?"He asked.

    He knew the answer would always be no, but he just had to find him. He had never gotten to repay him, after all! Pushing up his glasses, he left the crowd behind. He had lots of stuff to do!

    ...Mostly taking care of Mattie and fighting witches, though. Man, superhero work was tiring! But at least his sidekick was around a lot to help him out! Speaking of which, there he is now!

    "Kyubey! Where you been, buddy?!"He greeted happily, opening his arms for the cat like creature to jump into.

    "Observing the outburst of witches! Theres a new, really dangerous one we need to take on as soon as possible!"The creature squealed.

    "Shit, really? How long can we wait?"

    "I'd like to be there tommorrow!"

    "Well, I can do that. What's this witch called, though?"Alfred asked as he carried Kyubey home.

    "Viridos! The Lilypad Witch!"

Puera Magi Hetalia Magica!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon