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"Regina! Nice to see my daughter at home. Where is Henry?" Henry was always her favorite but I didn't care.
"with prints Blake. Can you Eric wanted to take them sailing for a couple days." I sent that your next my mothers rather large wood desk.
"I see. So what are you and Sean up to?" Nosy mother I cursed in my head.
"That's why I came to see you. Did you know he has an older twin brother named Ashton?" Her head whipped to me and surprise.
she cleared her throat before setting her pen down.
"Yes I did." A grinned knowing I caught her.
"Then why am I to marry the younger when it is the older by law I am to marry?" I asked innocently.
"Because Ashton is not fit to be king. He is wild and disruptive and-"I cut her off.
"Not boring, likes a lot of adventure, but still manages to show up to dinner on time?" I asked bored.
"Shawn is not boring! I rather like him, plus he'd make a great father." She grasped her mouth.
"Father? What does-" it dawned on me. "Great I'm a toy to make the kingdom Grove. It wouldn't was never about me. It was about him. After produce an heir-" I stopped myself my head swimming.
"Regina know! For hells sake stop babbling." I stood up for my spot.
"Excuse me mother but I just remembered I need to take my ring to the jeweler. When I was lace and Mike were set a diamond fell." I lied and rushed out, dumb Acordar outs the stable and to my horse. It was brown with blue flex. I swung my leg over spring sides with my heels joking into run all the way back to Storybrooke High campus.

I sat with my knees to my chest my gaze on nothing in particular. My magic mirror started vibrating next me.
She knew something happened.
"Regina! What happened?" She demanded as soon as I pressed except circle.
"Girl this marriage is going to last about 10 months."
"Stop mumbling I can't hear you very well. 10 months?"
"Yeah, turns out I am only in this marriage to produce and heir that I don't know I might accidentally be killed. Then in comes mother to raise a proper heir with my husband which I don't love."
"Wow." I hung up not wanting to talk more. I made my way down to my volt where my magic tools, potions, Hearts, etc. were. I inhaled the musty smell.
When I came to the last step I made my way to the wall with the pool boxes and glowing red dots in the middle of them. Each box had a magic heart that I stole from people. I can hold a heart and talk into it commanding the owner or making them say something. That's not why I was down there.
My mother was going to suffer for her actions I can't live like this. She'll see just how weak she thinks I am.

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