The Man With a Blue Box

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Okay I would love to take this story and continue it, but I have no experience with Doctor who and I'll mess it up. I mean I haven't even watched a lot of episodes (yet Doctor who is still my favorite TV show) I'm looking for someone that is good with writing Doctor who fics and is willing to take up the idea. Here we are...

Death. It was everywhere. Everyone fighting. Swords, bows, axes, maces and daggers. Most died.

Perseia Jackson fought as hard as she could, but she couldn't save them. Some of they're deaths weren't even seen by her.

She watched as one single arrow pierced Leo's stomach. The Latino boy looked at his stomach in disbelief. His face would forever be etched in Percy's mind. He was too young. How about Calypso? What was Percy going to tell her.

Jason saw flames come out of a nearby monster. Right at Piper, his lover. He pushed Piper out of the way of the flames, but it only got him killed along with her. They're screams of pain were drowned out by the monster's roars, the clang of metal, and the screams of other demigods and monsters.

Nico was on the ground in front of a giant. His eyes widened in terror as he watched the giant's foot come above him. He crawled backwards frantically trying to get escape his impending doom. He never thought to shadow travel out of the way...

Percy let out a sob and fought harder. She was determined to save the rest of her friends, but she couldn't seem to find them. They were fighting somewhere else.

That's when she saw Anthony, her lover. Percy sighed in relief. Until suddenly a empousa stabbed Anthony in the stomach. She ran over to his side failing to notice the barrier of earth that formed around them, protecting the two from the monsters. Anthony just looked at her as his beautiful gray eyes slowly started dulling. He raised his hand to Percy's cheek.

"No, no, no, no," Percy said frantically.

"Percy, you're so beautiful. My seaweed brain," Anthony said smiling softly. And she did look beautiful to Anthony. She shined like an angel. Her soft black hair still messy. Her sea green eyes was always expressive. Anthony was glad that her face was the last thing he would see. Anthony's breathing soon got slower as his body shut down. His heartbeat slowing and the pain soon disappeared.

"No! Anthony, don't leave me alone! I love you! This isn't how it was supposed to be! We were supposed to get married in Rome, go to college, have kids. Come on, Anthony stay with me," Percy pleaded desperately, but only found that he already passed on.

Tears ran down Percy's face, but they stopped. This was all Gaea's fault. She caused this war in the first place. Gaea formed this army that killed her friends. She will pay! I stood up and screamed in anger. The earth around us shattered, pieces hitting the monsters and what was left of the Giants. The gods finished them off at the unexpected opportunity. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

Percy stomped up to Gaea stood. Her eyes looked the sea in a storm. Her fingers clenched into fists. Her aura suddenly became dangerous. The power of the sea suddenly was shown stronger than ever before. (This sounds like what they call the oncoming storm in Doctor who) Gaea had stood there the whole time laughing at the deaths of my people. Watching the war like it was a comedy show.

"How dare you!" Perseia yelled in anger, her voice ringing with power. "How dare you kill my friends for something as measly as vengeance. Is that all that it comes down to? Whether it be mortal or immortal it's all about vengeance, money, and power!"

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