Day at the Pool

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"Hey guys, I'll be right back!" Shouted Ari, as she ran inside the house. She ran to her bathroom and quickly used it before fixing her wet hair in the mirror. She took a deep breath. "You're doing it for him; it's for Josh." She opened the door and ran back outside where Josh, Taylor, and Ashley were swimming in her pool. She went down and jumped back in.
"Hey!" Said Taylor, "You got me all wet!"
"You're in a pool, you dummy!" Said back.
"Shut up!" Taylor said back. She was trying to splash Ari but she splashed Ashley instead. Ashley splashed back, but instead hit Josh with the water. Sooner than later, the pool had become a full on splash war zone.
                         -time skip-
"Hey guys, I'm going to the bathroom!" Yelled Ari as she pulled herself out of the pool.
"Again? But you just went an hour ago!" Yelled Taylor.
"Girl, shut up. You know she has a small bladder!" Yelled Ashley!
Ari laughed and walked inside. She used the bathroom again. She was fixing her hair again when she thought she heard someone walking. She got done and opened the door to find Josh standing against the wall. Ari slowly walked out and immediately got pinned to the wall. She looked up in surprise at her captor, who was lightly blushing. Ari started to blush to. Suddenly, Josh kissed her right on the lips. Ari went with it and they soon started kissing more vigorously. Josh's hands slithered down to Ari's waist as her hands floated up to his shoulders. After two minutes, they broke apart. "I've been waiting to do that for a long time." Josh said, now blushing gallantly.
"Me too." Replied Ari, also blushing. The proceeded to kiss again, adding a bit of tongue, and getting more into it, which made Ari moan with pleasure. As they enjoyed themselves, Ashley and Taylor found themselves recording Ari and Josh. They had new material in case they ever needed to blackmail either of the others.

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