Shopping at Kohl's

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"Ooh, this shirt would look great on you!" Said Ashley.
"Yeah, and this skirt goes with it perfectly." Said Taylor.
"Ooh, and here's a flower crown!" Said Josh.
"Ok, ok, jeez! I'll try it on!" Exclaimed Ari.
Everyone headed for the fitting room in Kohl's. Ari headed in the big stall, and Ashley and Taylor followed her in. Josh tried to walk in too, but Ashley stopped him. "Oh no, you stay out here, Josh." Said Ashley, pushing him out of the stall and closing and locking the door.
"Aww man!" Said Josh in his impression of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. All the girls laughed and Ari started changing. The girls had known each other for almost eight years, so they had no problem changing in the same room. Josh, however, they had just met about a month ago, so he couldn't come in. He was also a boy ad might get turned on by Ari's hot and sexy body. Ari changed into the ensemble her friends had picked out for her. She was wearing a maroon sweater with a silver skirt, along with a maroon flower crown with fake diamonds on it. Maroon and silver were the school colors of the girls' middle school, so they thought it would be nice for the first day back. Josh had suggested purple and white, which was the town's high school colors, but he was the only one who went there in the group, so everyone settled for maroon and silver. Ashley helped smooth Ari's skirt while Taylor adjusted the flower crown on Ari's short hair. "Are you coming out or not?" Asked Josh.
Just then, Ari opened the door and walked out. "Well, what do you think?" Asked Ari, slightly blushing.
Josh got up from the floor where he was sitting and stood there in awe. Ari looked so sexy in the outfit they had picked out. The shirt perfectly matched her dyed hair, the skirt showed off her beautiful legs, and the flower crown made her look absolutely ravishing. "Uh-I-I-um-" Josh stuttered. He was so turned on. She just looked so beautiful; Josh just wanted to grab her and kiss her. So that's what he did, he grabbed Ari and started to slowly kiss her soft lips. She went along with it and they slowly started going faster. Ari never wanted to leave Josh's tender lips, but they needed air. When they broke apart, they saw that Ashley was recording and Taylor had been taking pictures the entire time. Everybody laughed and they went to pay for the outfit. While they left the store, Ari grabbed Josh's cold hands, warming them, and his heart.

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