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When I woke up my head hurt and spun crazily. I stood up wobbling here and there but at least I stayed up. I looked around and couldn't help but stare in awe. I was in clouds, this looks like something out of fairy tales. Even if I was in clouds there was a walkway. There was also a door staring ahead at me. I touched it and it was real. I wasn't dreaming... Opening the door I saw a tiny cloud. It seemed pretty normal but it had a face I couldn't help but look twice.
"Hi there!" I jumped at the clouds sudden remark but it didn't question my blatant shock. "I'm Cloudy, Cloudy the Cloud! You seem new here." I shook my head slowly in agreement with the cloud not questioning anything anymore. "Well I oughta teach you the ways around here, lil ol' me will just have to do. Up here you want to gain Lv. Now what's Lv LOVE silly! You want some LOVE right?"
I decided to go along with the creatures knowledge. I don't know anything so it must know what it's talking about. Shaking my head again the cloud winked and suddenly little tear drop shaped pellets surrounded the cloud. Making him look like he was storming.
"These are little, white friendliness pellets! Catch them all hurry!" When I caught one of the ones flying by it dug straight into my chest. I coughed up blood and suddenly the cloud seemed less friendly...
"IDIOT. YOU REALLY FELL FOR MY TRAP." A menacing smile appeared on the cloud and I started to crawl my way back to the door. He pinned me down with the pellets and suddenly they all circled around me. I couldn't breath right. I started hyperventilating and the cloud only smiled.
"Down here it's kill or be killed girly."
Inching closer and closer I felt my impending doom whirling around me.

(If you want to help you are more than welcome to I still have to finish my ideas for Tori)

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