Bohemian Rhapsody

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That's what they would call Dean Winchester. If anything about him came up in their home town, they all deemed him insane and quickly changed the subject.

It started when Dean was only 4 years old. There was a sudden fire in the Winchester house in the middle of the night. Dean's mother was so desperate to save her two sons that when she got Sam and Dean out of the house she was blocked in. The fire department came and tried to rescue her, but they were too late. She died in the hospital with severe burns.

After that, John was never the same. He drank and gambled all their money away. He left it up to Dean to raise his younger brother. Dean was so caught up in making sure that Sam was well fed and happy that he often didn't bathe or talk for days at a time.

The first hit came when he was 8.

Dean had left Sam in the living room with some of his toys to play while he went to get food. John came into the kitchen and asked Dean why he wasn't with his brother. Dean answered honestly. John called him selfish and slapped him across the face before sending the boy back to the living room.

The second hit came two days after.

Sam had started crying in the middle of the night because he had a nightmare. Dean jumped up when his father came into the room and stumbled towards Sam, looking angry. He begged for him to to hit Sam. So he hit Dean instead. A single punch in the middle of his forehead that knocked him out cold for 8 hours.

After that, the beatings became a regular thing; under the promise that John could hit Dean whenever he wanted and wherever he wanted as long as he didn't touch Sam.

When Dean was 14, the beatings became worse. John started abusing him in more ways than one. He made scars that would be etched onto Dean's skin and in his mind for the rest of his life.

Then, as can be expected, Dean started to crack.

He was abused by his father for 15 years and sexually abused by him for 5 of those years. The pain and violence of it all started to go to Dean's head. It started with a nervous twitch where every time he saw or thought of his father one leg would start twitching and his fingers would flex.

It morphed into dreams of his father's demise where he would be the one to kill him, to watch the life drain out of his eyes as he begged for the mercy he never gave.

Dean scratched at his neck when he had these dreams, sometimes breaking the skin. When he did, Dean would wake up with a pool of blood around his neck, panting and sweating with only the memory of letting go of his fathers corpse as he drifted to consciousness. He would clean up the cuts, only to have John reopen them an hour later.

His school life didn't fare any better. People bullied and hurt him there too. He wasn't defended because nobody wanted to stand up for the weird kid with scars on his neck and fresh bruises every morning.

Everything got worse. Dean was beaten and broken down by dozens of people everyday. The dreams got more violent and the twitch got worse. It wasn't long before something snapped in his mind.

He left school in the middle of the day and came home to a silent house. Dean peered into the living room and saw his father dozing on the old recliner with bottles of beer surrounding him. A feral grin grew on Dean's face.

He found a box of matches in the kitchen.

Dean struck one match and watched as the flame burned vigilantly. Slowly, he raised his arm so that the flame was licking at his flesh. He watched with mild interest as a burn began to grow slowly on his arm. He realized that it didn't hurt... It felt nice.

It wasn't until John walked into the kitchen and dropped his beer bottle that he removed the match from his arm.

"What the hell are you doing here, boy?"

Dean didn't respond. Instead, he dropped the still lit match into the trash can and lit another one.

"Answer me!"

He still didn't say anything. He dropped three lit matches into the trash can. John didn't realize what he was doing until it was too late. Dean lit one final match and threw it at the puddle of alcohol by John's feet.


The rest of what he was about to say was lost in screams as Dean kicked over the flaming trash can and lit the room around them.

John ran out of the house as firetrucks pulled up. All that they found in the house was Dean kneeling on the floor of the kitchen, laughing hysterically. Because here's the thing about what the people of Lawrence, Kansas said about Dean being insane.

They were right.





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