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Heartbroken, Donald ran away from Justin a single emo tear rolling down his cheek (My Immortal reference ayyyyy) He ran and ran and ran as fast as his pudgy legs could run which needless to say wasn't very fast. Out of breath he leaned against an empty stand. The stand had a sign "Onions and Potatoes sold here."  Hungry, Donald was about to grab one until a human like figure jumped up. He was as tall as a human but looked like an Onion and Potato mix. "Hello, I'm Ponion." The creature said. "And I'm in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too." Donald whispered sincerely. They hugged tightly. Ponion guilty pulled away. "I have something to tell you." He confessed. "I only love you for your hair. Your dazzling orange corn husk."

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