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Vocabulary 9
점원 = store assistant
배우 = actor
목 = neck/throat
소리 = noise/sound
목소리 = voice
신청 = application
의미 = meaning
상황 = situation
닭 = chicken
문장 = sentence
기름 = oil/grease/gasoline
생활 = lifestyle/life
그들 = them
속삭이다 = whisper
복습하다 = review/re-study
바꾸다 = change
유학(하다) = study abroad
넘어지다 = to fall
독서하다 = read
출발하다 = depart
마시다 = drink
내리다 = get off, go down, come down
나오다 = come out
나가다 = go out
쓰다 = write/also wear a hat
모르다 = to not know
얇다 = thin (not people)
적당하다 = moderate
어리다 = young
기쁘다 = glad
Adverbs and Other Words:
층 = floor (2nd floor = 이층/3rd floor = 삼층)
꽤 = fairly/quite
열심히 = adverb 'hard/well' (study hard)
완전히 = perfectly
몇 (2) = some ____, how many (used with a counter)
때 = time (a time)
그때 = at that time
__쪽 = side/direction

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