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Harrys pov

As evening appriached I went to check up on my wife to see if she is awake yet.

When I entered the room her eyes slowly vegan to open and when she saw me standing there her eyes went wide and she locked at me in fear. I smirked knowing HIW terrified she is of me. I came closer to her and told her

" there will be guests arriving in an 2 hours I expect you to have cleaned up the house and make something absolutely amazing for tonight. Oh and one more thing make yourself look presentable u look absolutule discusting!

And with that I left the room .

Marrisas pov

I felt like crying but iv done so much of it I don't think I have enough tears left in my eyes! Great just what I needed I have 2 FREAKIN hours to do everything might as well get started.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something amazing to make I hope they all like steak with mushroom sauce and bake potatoes cz honestly I love eating them and secondly I don't know what else to make. I got started with my dish by making the sauce and then prepared the stake as well . I wanted to serve the huge steak while it's warm so while the stake was cooking slowly I took that time to go and get dresses. I opened the wardrobe and found really short dresses that were too short for my comfort so I decided to wear the longest one there was which was black in colour and came just above my knees . I let my hair stay the way it was and applied jst alittle make up and I was satisfied by the way I looked.

As I made my way downstairs I heard laughter coming from downstairs when I went in the main lounge all eyes were on me and there was a moment of silence before Harry decided to introduce me to everyone .

I found out that the boys name were Louis Niall Zayn and Liam with their girlfriends who looked absolutely gorgeous . Niall was te only one without one. They all seemed very nice and Harry priced to be a very good actor too. He made everyone believe what happy couple we were. When Harry presed his hand on my thigh while we were all chatting I moved it away only for him to put his hand back there and squeeze it hard causing me to yelp

"What's wrong " asked someone

" oh um nothing I ju-

" yeah honey is there something troubling you" asked Harry acting all innocent. He knows exactly what happened!

I decided to give him a fake smile and said

" nothings wrong dear I just remembered I have to get the steaks out"

"Great I'm starving" said Niall shouted and everyone started laughing laughing causing him to blush . God he's adorable .

I went into the kitchen and added my final dishes and I'm done!

I went into the dinning room where they all sat and served them their food

"Hey Haary don't you have tons of servants to do all tabt stuff why are you making the poor girl do all the work?" asked Zain

"oh umm I really do tell her to relax but she just looooooovvess working hard and doing all the work herself .. Right honey ?" he said looking up at me

I just nodded.

After alittle while Nile was about to leave when all of a sudden rose came running down the stairs. Hmm I wonder what she was doing all this time upstairs alone. Anyways she came down and hugged everyone and asked If she could stay with her uncle Niall tonight. She put on her best puppy dog face which looked adorable and Harry said" course I already told you this morning I was goi g to let you go with your uncle"

" oh YEAHHHH " she started jumping up and down in excitement and everyone found it cute. After saying that Harry looked at me giving me an evil smile which made me think maybe he was planning on doing something terrible to me and that's why he us sending the little girl away.

I felt scared and suddenly I got goosebumps . When Niall left with rose I prayed to God everyone decides to stay here or atleast one person I don't want to be alone with Harry!

Harry snapped me out of my trance and told me to get him some water. I quickly nodded and filled a glass ith water and made my way up to him.

As soon as I reache him he purposely made my trip and fall on the now shattered glass and some water spilled on Harry .

"U F-

is everything alright asked perry

Um yeah she just fell and I was helping her up

" oh my God are you okay" she asked with concern

I weakly nodded and was about to help me up when Harry stopped her and told her

" it's ok I'll look after her she just needs some rest"

It was difficult standing up now that my leg wAs bleeding.

Everyone asked me questions like if I was okay and how it happened because they were not there when Harry was in his true horrible form.

I just smiled at them and told them to not worry!

These guys were the complete opposite of Harry I don't even know how they became friends. But then again I was the only person who Harry bullied and tortured.

When the all left I closed the door and felt arms wrap around my waist

I knew instantly who it was and my body froze in fear.

" Uv been very very bad today."

I stood frozen tears threatening to spill as he started to kiss my ear and and pressed his lips on it and whispered again

" do you know what that means?"

I weakly shook my head and heard him chuckle and then say

" that means I get to punish you"

I don't know what came over me but as soon as he whispered that my free elbow hit him I on the stomach and I quickly opened the door making a run for it"

I heard him groan in pain and shout you just made it worst for yourself

I ran and I ran as adreline kicked in I ran faster but Harry was still hot my trail

I had no idea where ibwas going but the only thing on my mind was escape!

I blindly ran and ran until ibwas sure I had lost him. I came apon a familiar street and realized I was not that far from home I couldn't stop the tears of happiness that keptbon flowing . By bleeding leg now started to ache like hell and I realized I hadn't bandaged it properly . Wow I must really be desperate to escape that I barely took notice of it until now.

I made my way to my grandmas house and saw her through the window looking extremely tired and weak I just wanted to inside an hug her.

As I made my way towards the door someone grabbed my waist from behind and covered my mouth making it impossible to scream.

He growled in my ear saying

" what did I tell you about escaping "

I all hope in me had been snatched away from me as Harry dragged me back to his car while I took a last glance at my grandma through the window not being able to be. Held in her wry arms like I wanted" I stayed silent and tears kept streaming down my face through out the ride. When we entered his dreadful mansion I did not no talk or do anything but keep an expressionless face as Harry dragged me into his room

" aren't you going to fight or do anything at all "he said with a smile.

I remained standing near the bed showing him no emotion at all.

Then ge slowly started coming closer and closer and whispered" don't worry I'll make you scream very loud right now as a punishment"

That made me cringe as I stepped away from him only to be thrown down on the bed with him hovering above me. I started begging and pleading him to go away and I said sorry billions of time and did nothing but smirk at me.

The Bully who kidnapped me(Harry Style fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now