Chapter 10: Darte Un Beso

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******GEOFFREY'S POV*****

The past 2 days evy and i had been spending so much time together at her house,my house, and today we would be in the studio she wanted to hear me record darte un beso for the next album. daniel said it was okay since she darte un beso was already out there but she couldn't hear the rest of the album.

''ready to go mi amor" i said to her while walking into her room.

''yea just give me a second to put on my shoes'' 

This is actually the first time i had actually payed attention to her room walls. There was a wall that had a bunch of poster and pictures. There was some of me and the rest was just full of bands.

''aren't my walls sexy'' she said 

''yes i like that guy over there with those dimples'' i said pointing at a picture of me

''yea he's alright but that guy is like the really sexy one right there'' she said pointing at a picture of this band

''well then, who are they''

''thats tony perry'' she said with a big smile '' he's from pierce the veil''

''oh okay then i see how it is i thought you liked the dimples but i guess not''

''don't be jealous baby'' she said giving me a quick peck on the lips ''feel better''

'' a little'' i said with a smirk

''im ready'' she said grabing a sweater

''beautiful as always'' i told her 

she look down to hide her face from blushing. i grabbed her hand and said

'' vamos mi princesita, they guys in the studio are dying to meet you''


''yes, your all i talk about''

''aww then lets go''

(At the studio)

i opened the door for evelyn letting her in the studio.

''aww there come the love birds holding hands que cute'' said jenifer and evelyn started blushing 

''evelyn i like you to meet daniel,jenifer, and marc'' 

'' hi evelyn it's nice to finally meet the girl royce talks about non-stop ever since he met you'' said jenifer

''well you didn't have to say all that jenifer gosh'' i said

evy starting laughing '' its okay and it's nice to meet all of you guys too''


'' your right geff she is beautiful'' said marc 

Geoffrey held me by the waist really close to him as soon as he heard marc say that

''yes i know she's MY beautiful girlfriend'' geoffrey told marc giving him a little ''you better watch it'' look

i found it so cute he was so protective and jealous.

''hey im daniel, why don't we go into the recording studio'' as he lead us to a room down the hall

(in the recording room)

''here's tony he's in charge of the instrument and sound'' geoffrey said 

''oh hi, were recording darte un beso today, the intruments are ready in the booth, we start whenever your ready royce'' said tony 

''okay , evy stay here with tony and marc ill be acrross the glass recording okay baby'' he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

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