Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: POV Jade

Hiccup and I studied every inch of the map, trying to find a suitable volcano that Pitch could be hiding in. "Do you think--"

"No, it wouldn't be in Hawaii."

"Too many people--"

"Too used to the eruptions." Hiccup finished. I felt Jack's eyes on me and knew he was giving me a strange look. I couldn't help it if Hiccup and I thought alike.

"It'd have to be somewhere that has people..." I began.

"But they wouldn't be used to the volcanic eruptions."

"So, basically, you're looking for a volcano that has been dormant for a long time and is just now acting up?" Jack asked. Hiccup opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off.

"Yes, that's basically what we're looking for." I shot Hiccup a look, reminding him that Jack preferred simple explanations. Hearing footsteps we turned around and saw Solara and Robin approaching. I moved over to give Solara room at the table.

"A volcano huh?" She laughed. "That's really cliché, but ingenious. No one in his right mind would go in a volcano."

"Unless it's a scientist." Clint thought aloud. "They're crazy about doing psychotic things." Hiccup gave me an excited look, and I knew he was thinking exactly what I was. "What? What did I say?" Clint asked confused.

"Scientists explore all volcanoes unless--"

"They're too big and have--"

"Giant underground tunnels and chambers filled with unstable magma!" We shouted together.

"That's brilliant!" Jack stated. "If I knew what those were."

"The volcano would need to be giant." I added, ignoring Jack.

"And they'd probably be fairly cool inside, since Pitch prefers the cold."

"Maybe below the magma chambers there's a series of caves."

"And tunnels too, enough chambers and passages to hold everything and everyone."

"There's very few volcanoes that are like that." Solara informed. "And most are far from civilization."

"Maybe it's one the scientists don't know about." Jack confidently stated, finally catching on. "I mean, they can't go down very far because of the heat. But, Pitch doesn't love the heat there'd have to be some sort of separate hidden entrance." I considered his words....the volcano would have to be in another country or we would've heard about it...possibly one that speaks another language. I heard Solara and Clint start talking, and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"You know what I thought was the most weird about Aiden?" Clint dropped his voice. "I have a...knack for figuring out where people are from by their accents."

"Yeah, and you can imitate them too." Solara quipped.

"Shut up!" He said sheepishly. "But anyways, Aiden's accent? It didn't sound American mixed with British, not completely anyways. He had a remainder of an...almost Italian accent, but it was hidden like he was trying not to use it."


"Yes, and it my experience, the only way to gain an accent like that is if you live there for a while."

"Robin that's it!!!!!!!!!" I shouted excitedly, and he jumped, obviously not knowing I was listening. "Pitch is in Italy!"

"What?" Robin, Solara and Jack exclaimed, but Hiccup just nodded.

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