"Who did this to you y/n?!?"

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"What's your problem Damon?!?" I yell at him after he had just said the rudest thing he can say to me. "What you are a hoe now leave!!!" He said throwing his class of bourbon agents the wall.

I jump back in fear

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I jump back in fear. My best friend since I was a little girl, before we even turned into vampires, before anything, we never talked to each other like this. "How Damon?? Enlighten me?? How am I a hoe?!?" I say hit tears running down my face. And he just looks at me with anger in his face and doesn't answer me. So I get in his face and yell at him and hit him in his chest. "How?!? How Damon?!? I want to fucking know how am I a hoe?!?"

 "How?!? How Damon?!? I want to fucking know how am I a hoe?!?"

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And he grabbed my arms stoping me from hitting him once more. "Because you're with Enzo!!!!! And you should be with me!!! Because y/n I love you!!!!" He shouted in my face causing me to back away from him. "W-well I'm sorry... But I love Enzo... And I don't think you of anything more than a friend.." I said quietly. And e just nodded his head and walked away.

He left my house and I cleaned up the mess he made and cried the whole time

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He left my house and I cleaned up the mess he made and cried the whole time. I hated that he liked me.... Well he said love... But I'm sorry I don't think of him like that.... Just a friend... I signed when I stood up and threw away all the glass. I should call Enzo... I pick up my phone and klick on his number... No answer... I'll just leave a message. "Hey um... Enzo... I was just uh calling to see if we can I don't know catch up?? Uh Im on my way over.... I love you Enzo.... " I signed and ended the call I grabbed my car keys and dashed to my car.

Lorenzo St. John (Enzo) imagines Where stories live. Discover now