"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."
"Who's up there?" Murphy shouts. Damn it.
"Come down now or I'll shoot Jasper."
"Okay, okay. I'm coming." I say as I climb down the ladder. Once I get down I put my hands up in defense he quickly grabs me while keeping the gun pointed at Jasper. I struggle to get out of his grip till he knocks me to the floor with the butt of his gun. I stumble to the floor but he grabs me and sits me down on a chair. I feel dizzy and I don't have the power to fight back. He grabs my hands behind my back and ties a seatbelt around them together tightly. I wince at the pain and he does the same to my legs. My mind seems to clear and I realize what he's doing.
"Murphy! Stop!" I struggle to get loose, I twist and turn but nothing works. Before I know what's happening he places a piece of cloth in my mouth and back around my head to gag me. I try to talk but my words come out into mumbles.
"Murphy, I know you can hear me." I hear Bellamys voice come through the walkie talkie, "Our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."
Murphy presses the button, "Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now." He smirks and looks to me.
"Oh and Taylor says hi." He laughs after he finishes his sentence and I look at him in disgust. I knew we shouldn't of let him back in camp.
"Don't hurt her, Murphy. Come on, you want to hurt me, not them." I'm confused as to where he's going with this but I let it pan out.
"So what do you say? How about you trade them for me?" Bellamy asks and I shake my head and start yelling no but it turns out all muffled.
"Taylor doesn't like that plan too much." Murphy laughs.
"Murphy." Bellamy warns and Murphy sighs.
"Simple. You open the door, I walk in, they walk out." I continue to yell when I hear what Bellamy wants to do. Murphy will kill him, I can't let that happen.
"Okay, just you Bellamy, unarmed." Murphy pulls the lever to open the dropship. He grabs Jasper and brings him close to the entrance. He wasn't planning on letting me go.
"I'm here." Bellamy says just behind the tarp. Murphy then shoves Jasper through it and Bellamy comes into sight. He looks at me and back to Murphy who is closing the dropship doors.
"We had a deal." Bellamys glare hardens towards Murphy.
"Two for one wasn't working in my favor." Murphy shrugs and keeps the gun pointed at Bellamy.
"Okay, Murphy-" Bellamy gets interrupted by a shot going off. Murphy had fired a shot into the wall making me jump.
"Bellamy? Bellamy! Are you okay?" Octavia's voice comes through the walkie talkie in Murphy's hand.
"Want her to know you're alive? Start tying." He throws a rope of seatbelts down by Bellamys feet. Bellamy hesitates before bending down and starts tying.
"Just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you And tell Raven to hurry her ass up." From that last sentence I knew they had a plan. And if Raven is behind it I know it's going to work, even though I hate her she's extremely smart.