Chapter 1: Deathly Distances

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The fox wildly ran though his urban territory. He was no hunter though, as he wasn't looking for some mammal. He was the hunted, by a crime syndicate he was working for. Well, more like he had worked for. He had gotten himself in too deep and awkwardly tried to back out. His plan to evade them was a success, but he knew that they must have his location by now. He knew one other mammal that he could only trust. He knew him, but not vice versa.

Shawn Wilde was a former con-artist, who had been dragged into the dark side of the world by mammals who he'd say were once his closest friends. Danni Weezly, his boss, who was also a weasel, had been silently watching him as he began his intrepid journey into coming clean to the strongest police force.

Shawn ran for the sake of his life, and for those he cared so much for in the past. His parents, his old friends and most of all his girlfriend. He had to leave it all behind just to prove himself to Danni. He ran from his past, but now he runs from his present, hopefully his dark future too. But Danni had other plans.

During the time Shawn had been a member of the Crime Syndicate of Central City, which was located a bit further north and a lot further east of BunnyBurrow, he had somehow come to terms with the criminal underworld and become friends with not one, but two crime bosses. Unfortunately, now was not the right time to be reflecting on his past, because he had somehow slipped up when trying to avoid being apart of something bigger, when they all heard about the events that has transpired over in Zootopia.

Dawn Bellweather was one of their little pawns, but nothing was going to be let out of the Syndicate that one of their own had been captured. By an unorthodox coupling of another fox and a certain 'hero' bunny cop nonetheless. Shawn had seen the footage and after realising that his cousin was now on the light side of all this madness, it made him rethink his place in the world and got him to come up with a plan.

Unfortunately, that plan was also the reason he was running. Running from a threat that only the crime lords thought they knew, but not that he knew was going to be bigger than the Night-Howlers case.

Shawn forgot to look where he was going, until it was too late. He barely made it through to the other side of BunnyBurrow, when a sniper had pinned him down just on the outskirts of the train station just after midnight. Danni appeared as if out of thin air, as he watched Shawn writhe in pain from the two shots that had him close to bleeding to death.

"Sorry Shawn, you know I can't let you do this." Spoke Danni for the first time since he faked his death in the centre of Central City, in front of Danni's albeit favourite assailant, before pulling his vanishing act once more. "Now, you hand me over that case of USB's and I'll see to it that you're taken to the BBH. It'll be a bit small, but they've got the right sized rooms for animals like you." He spat on the ground after growling the last four words at him.

"I... don't know... what... you're... going on... about," Spoke Shawn through small breaths, but calmly and with a perfect look of confusion. "What USB's?... I thought ... you had... a safe... below... the... headquarters. All... I... want... to do........ is see... my... cousin." His vision began to change. 'Good thing I was able to hide it in the basement of a decent burrow before I made it out here.' He thought, ignoring Danni's request for it once more, but more agitated this time. He barely registered the badger at the back walking away from the group of hitmen. He was his closest so-called 'friend' at the HQ.

The last thing he saw, was a flash of white in his vision before it all went black. His last thoughts were literally that.

'If only I'd met my cousin.'

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