Wow much concentration! Generator 6!

44 2 27

Day of the weeeeekkkk-

Sun- Quick
Mon- Dappled
Tue- Dark
Wed- Swift
Thu- Willow
Fri- Sage
Sat- Rabbit

Fav Subject

Math- Wind
L/A- Foot (apologies if you got Whirlfoot just trying to make matches here XD)
Reading- Frost
Science- Shine
Elective- Pad
Social Studies- Strike

I got Rabbitstrike and Willowstrike which isn't bad tbh. Sorry if you got Quickfrost or Quickpad, I just put in names that would work for the major to sorry :p
Please leave suggestions and topics in le comments and maybe for like 15 chapters...Leave a comment saying Sploop if you read this..I might do something different like a WYR in Warriors Edition? Yeah that's cool.

Warrior Cats Name Generator! (KINDA ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now