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Romulus Hart is your average introvert. With a sister who hides her sadness with recklessness, an absent father, and a mother who lets him down one to many times what can he possibly do but to hope he becomes invisible?

Which never works of course, he always manages some way to accidently draw the center of attention to himself, can't exactly be discrete and ninja-like if you trip over your own two feet down a flight of stairs and fall on top the lunch lady that causes the flower she was carrying to make it snow on the bottom floor.

But when he meets a certain Lucas Friar, he begins to realize something in himself that he has been subconsciously hiding. With the help of his amazing best friend, Farkle Minkus, and his sisters Maya Hart and Riley Matthews, he begins to piece his broken life back together.

A story about friendship, family, and hopefully love.

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