Meeting the World

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The alarm clock bleared loudly, startling Remy from his sleep. He groaned stretching his arm out to shut the center of his annoyance off, which lead to him falling off his bed with a loud THUMP!

"Ow." He whined, but he didn't move from his spot on the cold floor. Just then he heard his sister get up from her bed.

"C'mon, Rem. We got to go pick up Riley," Maya, his older sister by seven minutes, told him, nudging his side with her foot. "I wonder if we'll be able to sneak her onto the subway." She muttered to herself, nudging her foot against him again when he didn't get up.

"Why do we have to wake up so early though? I just want to sleep." He whined again, sounding very much like a child. Remy was always a bit whiney and childish in the morning, he hated crawling out of his bed and he hated that it was always so cold. He just wanted to sleep forever in his warm and toasty bed.

"You always want to sleep." Maya informed him, rolling her eyes at her brother.

"So? Sleep is a gift from God and I plan to use it thoroughly." He said, his voice muffled as he began to curl up, sleep starting to slowly take over again.

"Oh no you don't." Maya warned, Remy heard her leave the room and sighed in content.

"Finally." He murmured happily, snuggling into his arms.

He didn't take notice of Maya stomping back into the room, nor the sloshing of water in a big giant mixing bowl.

"I tried to warn you." Was the last thing he heard before a bucket of ice cold water was poured onto him.

"Holy-!" He yelled, shooting up from his position on the floor. He began to dance around, occasionally slipping on the water on the hard floor, "Cold! Cold cold cold cold cold! Maya, what the heck is wrong with you! Oh my god, it's really cold!" He yelped, taking off his drenched shirt because the way it clinged to him was extremely uncomfortable and not to mention really, extremely, freaking cold. 

He shivered once he got over the shock of the ice cold water, he turned slowly to his laughing sister, water ran down his skin and dripped from his blond hair. Remy glared at Maya, hugging himself as goosebumps began to take over his bare skin. "That was mean." He muttered, Maya gave him one of her signature smirks.

"Well, I did warn you." She said in a sing-song voice. Remy growled and before she could react, he tackled her onto the bed.

The once quiet apartment was filled with gleeful shrieks of laughter and a few choice words from both of the siblings as they went through a full-out tickle war, it ended with Remy on the ground and Maya on top of him. It was clear who had won the fight.

"I win." Maya gloated, Remy huffed before shaking his head wildly. Causing sprinkles of water to go everywhere. Maya squeezed her eyes shut, and when she was finished she spat some of the water out of her mouth. "Wow, you're like a wet dog and you smell like one too." She commented dryly, "Now, since you're wide awake it's time to get dressed and go get Riley."

Remy pouted, "Fine." He dragged out, before looking around their shared bedroom and winced. "But what are we going to do with this mess? We can't let Grammy clean it up and mom would freak if she see's it.." He carried off worriedly, looking  up to his sister who was still sitting on him.

Maya looked around the room and gave a sigh, "We'll have to clean it up when we get home from school, and we can lock the door to keep from Grammy and mom from entering and freaking out, 'kay?" She reasoned, looking to her little brother, after some though he nodded.

"Okay, now get off me you elephant. You way a ton, pretty sure you bruised a rib." He wheezed out, Maya gave him a glare and pointedly sat on him a bit longer before he finally begged her to get off.

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