19 | bloody hell

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alright, here's the thing: british people don't say "bloody" in every single sentence!!!

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alright, here's the thing: british people don't say "bloody" in every single sentence!!!

some people write newt saying that or "bloody hell" every single chapter and it gets a little overboard. there are different ways to make people remember he has an accent.

here are some ways that i remember jdash using:

(i am not british so i apologize if any of this is wrong or outdated, again this is what jdash used)

1. "ya" instead of "you." he didn't always do this, but he did it very frequently. like, "what are ya thinking?"

2. replacing the "g" at the end of an adjective or verb with an apostrophe. (lmao this sounds kinda southern but he did do it) "what are ya thinkin'?"

3. saying "sat" instead of "are sitting," "were sitting," "am sitting," etc. "you've sat in that chair all day." "you were sat in that chair all day"

4. using (some) british slang. honestly watching harry potter is great for this because you can totally see they speak differently than people in america or canada! "what are you on about?"

can you think of any more? if so, drop a comment!

the point is, you don't always have to use "bloody" in newt's dialogue to remind people he's british.

(also it really bugs me when the OC starts saying it even if they are american?? i have never, ever heard someone say "bloody" unless they were immitating ron weasley)

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