Coffee Shop Girl (Short Louis Tomlinson Story)

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On the first day, she walked in after class with her books cluttered in her tiny arms, her hair falling messily in her eyes as she swiftly walked passed me and toward the corner of the quiet coffee shop.

Coffee and baked goods filled the air but despite the fact, I could still faintly smell what must have been her hair. I was mesmerized by the way she readjusted the frames of her glasses as she opened up a textbook and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. I didn't necessarily believe in love at first sight before that day, but now I think I might. This girl wasn't like any girl I'd ever stumbled across, she was beautiful in a special way. The way her eyes squinted as she concentrated, and her sweet brown hair that flowed down her shoulders and hugged her face perfectly. I needed the know this girl, she was pulling me toward her. Definitely love at first sight.

The second day it rained, she rushed in and pulled her hood down, shaking the wet out of her hair. She walked toward the same spot as last time and took the same books out. Her hair was a lot curlier now and I assumed it was from the rain. I didn't care though she looked beautiful.

She studied her books and I studied her face. Her tongue slightly visible out of the side of her mouth. I sat and admired her for a half hour before she looked up and met my eyes. She quickly smiled at me and then returned to her books. I swear my heart snapped in two at the sight of her smile. It was so white, and

perfect. I didn't think she could get any better but when she smiled I was proven wrong. I returned her gesture and looked down at my laptop to hide my cheeks which were surely fire red. With just one smile and she has my knees going weak.

An hour passed and she got up and packed her stuff. I didn't want her to leave, but I also had to leave. The only reason I stayed was to admire her from afar.

Everyday at 3pm I went to the coffee shop and sat at the same spot waiting for her to arrive. I didn't see her again after that day until day eight. That's when she came in with a ponytail high on her head and her glasses framing her eyes. She sat in her usual spot and for the first time she actually ordered something. She sat and flipped through the pages of her textbook and slowly sipped on her cup of tea. I wondered how her lips felt and I hoped that cup knows how special it is, getting to touch them repeatedly over and over. I'd never been jealous of an object before but there's a first for everything. I ran my fingers through my hair when she looked up at me over the thick rims of her glasses. Her eyes were dark brown, there's no way to describe them except for that they were the perfect shade of brown i'd ever seen. I wished I could look at her eyes all day.

The next 4 days I sat admiring her as she sipped on her tea, which had become a regular thing. I smiled to myself as she concentrated on her books. I realized a few things, like the fact her tongue always finds its way to escape her mouth as she's highlighting words, or the way her hair looks perfect even when it's just in a bun. Also, the fact that her feet are always tapping even when theres no music playing. Little things really, but they made her all the more cute.

The next day was when it happened, she came in, in a rush. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and 6 books in her arms. As she was passing by me she tripped over her feet. As she scurried to pick up the aftermath of her clumsy mistake, I couldn't help but laugh. I crouched down and picked up a chemistry book and handed it to her. I couldn't help but take note of the fact her eyes were much prettier up close, or the fact she actually had freckles. Damn, falling more and more. She thanked me and I nodded as she readjusted her bag on her shoulder and smiled, walking to her spot in the corner of the room.

The next seven days she'd come in less and less, I was afraid she wouldn't be back. When she came in she stopped at the register. She'd been such a regular customer for a period of time that she'd made friends with the workers. I wasn't necessarily eaves dropping but I overheard her say she'd been accepted to a college and would be leaving in a few days. My heart sank. Two days, and she'd be gone. I didn't even know her name. God damn it, I waited too long. I lost my chance she's leaving! Maybe i'll tell her how I feel tomorrow, that way she knows how beautiful she is before she's gone.

The next day came and left and she didn't come in, I was scared that I wasn't going to get to tell her. On the day she was leaving she came in with a duffle bag and a bandana tied in her hair. Instead of walking to her usual spot she came and sat down next to me. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Hi, I'm Liz " She laughed and placed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hi Liz, I'm Louis." I replied, even if you were blind you'd still be able to hear how big my smile was at that moment.

"I'm leaving for school today and I just wanted to come in and tell you that I've saw you in here every day, peeking at me from behind your laptop. And you're really attractive," she said quickly, clearly nervous of my reaction. "But, unfortunately I'm leaving and I won't be back for a while. " her tone changed from nervousness to sadness.

Just as I was about to tell her how I felt, her phone rang. She quickly answered it and exchanged words with the person on the phone before hanging up and looking me dead in the eyes. Her eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the sky. She stood and readjusted her glasses on her nose.

"I have to go, my rides here." She grinned and turned to walk toward the door.

"Liz wait!" I called as she was opening the coffee shop door. I got up from my spot and walked over to her, holding out the brown book in which I've been writing all this in.

"I wrote about you in here, everyday. I was never actually on my laptop I was writing about you, how beautiful I think you are. Take it, and read it and then come back and we'll go for coffee. Or tea, whichever you like when you get back." She took the journal and the biggest smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you," she gently leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"See you around," she smiled and just like that she was gone and I was left with a burning feeling on my cheek and butterflies in my stomach.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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