Run Bad Boy Run-One Shot Entry

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Hi, my names Farah :) and this is my entry for the one shot on Run Bad Boy Run

The book is amazing and I fell in love with it since the very beginning and if you haven't checked it out then be sure to check it out :)

I hope you guys like it :)

Story is set in the future and in the past...:)
----Song on the side...thought it went the idea...----

song: Blue Jeans By: Lana Del Rey


Today is finally the day Hayden is coming back from the military, forever. After 2 years he's retiring and is coming back home to me. My heart suddenly begins to beat a thousand miles per second while I wait for him at the airport. It feels as if I'm back in high school where just the thought about him made my insides flutter.

After sobering from my little daydream of my dearly beloved, I began to be aware of my surroundings and had realized that his flight had been delayed which only fueled my anxiety. I hadn't been too keen on waiting a full hour knowing that I was so close yet so far from Hayden but I still had been standing here in the front of the airport waiting for him to walk through those doors and smile that cocky smile of his and embrace me into a long waited hug that would make me feel safe, and make me feel like the teenage girl I used to be.

The moment my eyes cascaded down my left finger where my engagement ring had been housed, tears of remembrance immediately began to dwell up in my eyes while my throat had already began to harden the way it does just before I cried.


"Hayden, can you drive a little slower?" Sitting in the passenger seat of Hayden's car as he drove recklessly to some chaotic party wasn't necessarily my typical scene.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He had slowed down the car only a tiny bit which was progress in a way. Hayden has been all moody ever since I got into Princeton and he didn't, I told him that I won't go without him but he gave me the 'dont give up your dreams for me' talk which only made me love him more. It's really weird yet exciting knowing that we're finally graduated and we're finally free from that hell hole that people call 'High School'.

Another side of my brain wanted me to remember the past, more specifically ... Derek and Coach Foster. I still have horrible nightmares every night, but fortunately, Hayden was there to whisper sweet nothings to me and keep me safe.

At least I tried to focus on the present rather than the past i.e... the party but a part of me wasn't letting me move on, a part of me wanted to remember.

"What are you thinking about?" I hadn't realized Hayden was still driving, I had been staring at nothing just thinking.

"Nothing" I said as I shook my head, wishing I could just pour water and swoosh my troubles away.

"Babe, you've been acting really strange these past few days." Hayden had been telling me that for the past week and every time I gave him the same exact answer but this time I wanted to finally tell him what's going on and get some weight off my shoulders.

"I have something important to tell you." I stopped before taking in a deep breath and continuing, "I'm pre-" I was so close, yet so far to tell him the two words that could possibly change my world around but I noticed something up ahead.

"Hayden watch out!" Out of nowhere, and out of the blue, a truck had appeared, coming it's way towards us as it spun out of control. The truck had rolled over as Hayden's eyes widened before he looked over at me. Memories flashed before my eyes; our first kiss, our first fight, him proposing to me, and every other single detail from our dates, to our random moments in school bickering.

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