Contest #1

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Hello ladys, gents, and others! How are you this fine day? That's good! (Or not, idk, I can't hear you. Speak up!)

Anyway, this is our first contest! What is it, you may ask? A shipping contest! And unlike most of our contests will be, this is a multimedia one! There will be a writing portion, and an art portion! What are the rules?

-No nudity or gore
-Deadline is September 3rd.
-Any ship you want! (It can be straight, gay, lesbian, gender fluid, genderless. Anything!)
-Please, no wars in the comments over what ship is better!

How it will be rated...

For art:
-Effort (We can tell!)
-Beauty (Just because it looks good, doesn't mean it will win, though!)

For writing:
-Spelling/Grammar {Remember, Anya's judging this. Lol}
-Length (Unless its a poem, or short story. Short stories must be at least 100 words.)
If your native language isn't English, please inform us of that, so we may be easier on the grammar and spelling.

Now, the prizes!
1: A follow, request, (full body sketch or neck up colored,) a shout out, and a day to feature your art on the profile

2: A follow, request, (neck up colored,) and a shout out

3: A follow, request, (neck up sketch,) and a shout out

{Requests will be done by whatever admin is available at the time.}

1: A follow, vote-spam on one book, a shout out, and writing featured on the profile for one day

2: A follow, votes on 10 chapters of one book, and a shout out

3: A follow, votes on 5 chapters of one book, and a shout out.

All winning contestants will get a shoutout on our profile, (including any runner ups, although there's no price for runner up).

Thank you! Hope you all enter. Remember, deadline is September 10th. Any questions?

{Edited by Anya}

We were stupid and missed a lot of entries so we are extending it a week!

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