Chapter 16 Yui in blood mania part 1

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- In the classroom -

" In a classroom where everyone is studying and Teaching going on like an average ordinary day for Yui Komori." Said a familiar voice

" Everyone was bored and tired with nothing to do. Kathy and Payton were talking about there favorite things, like hobbies and Kanato was playing with Teddy, and lastly Yui with her Journal writing about what happened in class like taking notes. Or is it? " said a familiar voice

" Payton I like derp! That's my favorite word to say! Derp! " said Kathy

" Yeah I already know that Kathy " said Payton with a smirk

" Shush up you buffoon! " said Kathy looking away from Payton and crossing her arms

"! Hey just mentioning it! " said Payton with a grin

" Like I said Shush up! " said Kathy ignoring Payton

" Teddy and I are tired. " said Kanato

" Oi Chichinashi! " said Ayato trying to get Yui's attention

" huh hmm? " said Yui

" what are you doing? Yours truly wants to know.l said Ayato

" Writing. " said Yui

" about what? " said Ayato

" Stuff..." Said Yui

" Yeah. Like what? " said Ayato

" A weird dream I had of everyone Ina different world " said Yui

" huh? Yours truly doesn't get it but I don't want to know " said Ayato.

" Alright Ayato-Kun." Said Yui

" After class was over. It turned out it was the end of class. Everyone walked home. Payton, Kathy and Kathryn walked to The twins house. Christian and Lance went to their apartment, Bailey. Jade, Sarah and Lily went to their apartment, The house holds went to there house. Also Yui and Ayato held hands and walked home together like a couple would. " said the familiar voice

Authors note: Technically the familiar voice is the author so I'm off the hook :P

" When the couple arrived at the mansion, They went into there separate rooms and did there normal things. Also they did there normal things, like Ayato went into Yui's and bit her beck and she groaned like normally or Yui would make Tayoki for Ayato and then he would bite her blood afterwards. " said the familiar voice

" Sigh. Ayato-kun may I please do my homework now? " said Yui

" Fine. This is yours Truly gift to you Chichinashi. " said Ayato as he left the room

" It was currently night time like always, and Yui was changing into her nightgown and went to bed, but she couldn't sleep. So she rolled around in bed and fell on the floor. " said the familiar voice

" Oof! Oww....." Said Yui

" She rubbed her head and got into bed and finally slept peacefully. Until that is.... She woke up and slowly wakes to a room with lifeless eyes, and the room......... Was the locked room...... Where Reji locked. It wasn't locked up at all this time like it would be for centuries or more...... She woke up fully and rubbed her eyes. " said a familiar voice

" Huh? Where am I? " said Yui confused

" She looked around and saw a bunny. " said A familiar voice

" I'm late I'm late! " said a familar girls voice

" Huh who is that.......? Why does she sound so familiar? " said Yui looking at the running Bunny.

Bite of blood chapter 16 Yui in blood maniaWhere stories live. Discover now