Street 5 vs. Infinite

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A white porsche with 'S5' written at the side of the car is parking infront of the restaurant near the beach. Dasom gets out of the car, wearing a short blue dress, a black waist-lenght jacket and black boots. Kai and two of his friends eyeing her from their seats inside the restaurant.

"Look who is finally here?!" Kai claps his hands while smiling teasingly at her.

Dasom turns around like a model on a fashion show, strutting over to join them.

"Hey baby," the man beside Kai gave her a seat next to him.

"Just stop it Baekhyun, don't call me baby. I'm not your baby," Dasom sat down beside him, her hand pushing away Baekhyun's head to prevent him coming any closer than he already is.

A girl which sat between Kai and Dasom giggled by herself. "you so ugly, Baeky," she laugh again to Baekhyun.

"IU, how many times have I told you, stop calling me Baeky!" Baekhyun whines.

"What? Baeky?? Hahaha!" Kai clutches him stomach laughing.

"That sounds cute, Baeky," Dasom pinches Baekhyun's cheek teasingly.

"Yah!! It's not cool at all!" Baekhyun says pouting.

They all laughed when they saw Baekhyun reaction. Happy to tease their immature friend.

"Ah by the way, why did you want to meet us, Jongin?" IU asks while she gives Dasom the apple juice that they order for her before she came.

"Matta! Almost forgot! Let's have a race tonight!" Kai looks at his friends excitedly.

"A race? Tonight? With who?" Baekhyun who was currently playing 'Clash on Clan' on his smartphone asked bewildered while Dasom watching him play.

Kai whips out his phone shows them a text.

Dasom, Baekhyun and IU move forward to read it.

From: Sungkyu [Infinite] wed 2.35am

Let's have a race on Friday, 1.00 am

At our place

"They told you on Wednesday, but you just tell us today?! On the day of the race?!" Dasom glares at Kai.

Kai just gives an awkward smile.

IU sighs deeply. "So the day has come and we're gonna have a race in front of so many humans," IU says studying her nails.

Kai, Baekhyun and Dasom froze after listening what IU has to say.

"What are you then? An alien?" Baekhyun looks at IU weirdly.

"Sometimes your words are just so...odd,seriously" Dasom gives an awkward,confused smile.

Baekhyun and Kai wearing the same expression.


The sound of the engines are heard all over the workshop. Dasom already changes to her workshop suit while her hands were busy with the spanner, tightening something at the front of her Porsche Carrera GT . Kai, who was wearing a black sleeveless shirt stands in front of his Lamborghini Murcielago with a laptop in his hands,which connected to the engine of the car. IU is pressing a petrol pedal of her Nissan skyline, as she hears something she doesn't like with the sound of the engine, she quickly goes to the laptop,which also connected to the engine and fixing something, while Baekhyun is checking the underside of his Ferrari Enzo.

Kai looks at his watch.

"Everyone, it's already 11.45 pm, let's get ready!" Kai closes the hood of his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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