Clay/Reader ~ Nothing can seperate us {Pt. 1}

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A/n: This fic is sad. If death triggers you, do not read. Pure angst with fluffy ending (fluff is only in pt. 2) Enjoy!

You were cuddling with your lover, Clay. Beebs from the hospital machines were really annoying, but you were happy 'cause they told you that Clay was okay. His arms felt good around you. You felt weak. You knew that he was living his last days. Doctors didn't know anything about his illness. They just told that it's something new, and they didn't have time to search for cure. They simply told you that Clay will die, and they didn't know how soon. And you two stayed at hospital because his condition was getting worse. You were really worried and soon you realized that he will die soon. You lover, your life, your everything. Your own Clay was dying and you couldn't help. It made you feel really useless.
When you got back to your aparment and you took a quick shower and put on some clean clothes. You felt a little better, but you were still a little sad. You had slept just a few hours, but you had to go to work. Your boss was angry and told that you'll be fired if he wouldn't see you today at work. And you were really mad, because it was your birthday and you wanted to stay with Clay. How your boss didn't understand that you had to be your all time with Clay because your time with him was seriously, getting shorter and shorter. So you got to work and were really annoying to everyone.

After your shift ended you just ran to hospital. You rushed and nearly got yourself killed, but that didn't matter. You needed to see if Clay was still okay. There was few nurses and a doctor near by his room, just chatting and looking little too serious. You smiled to the one of the most kindest nurse in world. She was always so optimistic. And she was friendly. Friendlier than any person you've ever met. She motioned you to come and have a word with her. You nodded and walked last meters.

"What now?" you asked little curiously and she just smiled sadly. It took a moment to realize it. "Did he..?" You whispered eyes full of tears. Nurse just nodded and hugged you. "I'm so sorry (Y/n), we couldn't save him", she muttered. "Do you wanna see him?" You shook your head "I don't want to ruin my memories, I want to remember him alive, not dead." You cried silently and suddently felt your phone buzzing. 'Who in the hell would call me?' you thought when you crabbed it and dried some of your tears to see something. "Best Guy In The World? Someone has used my phone without permission" you muttered and answered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHD-..." Desmond started but stopped when he heard your sobs. "(Y/n) what it is?" He asked. "Just come to my aparment and I'll explain, okay?" Your voice was weak when you muttered what to do. "Ookay, I'll see you there", he answered and closed the phone. "I'll leave and start planning his funeral" you muttered and waved to the nurse. You walked through corridors and finally stepped out. It was warm and you felt sunrays tickling your cheeks. Clay loved weather like this. You tried to smile a little.

Des was outside your aparment when you arrived. "I'm sorry you had to wait..", you muttered and opened the door letting him in. You dropped your bag and jacket and just started to cry again. "Clay died today" you manage to say through your sobs. "Shh.." Des hushed and pulled you in a hug. "But he was my everything Desmond, he was all I wanted" you were getting hopeless and you were just thinking that you had lost your love of your life. You were so scared that you could just feel nothing but it. Des just hugged you and tried comfort you.

You had no idea what time was when you woke up. You felt a piece of paper in your hand: "Lucy called, some problems. Don't worry and stay safe. -Des" What kind of problems? Something serious? Your mind was full of questions. You took your phone and called to Des. "(Y/n)? Everything alright?" He answered and sound worried.
"Yeah, but what is the problem? Is it something serious?" It was your turn to sound worried. "Umhh.. They are just trying to kidnap one of us because some 'important information'." He wanted you to not panic: "But don't worry no one is getting in trouble, we'll be fine as always.." Your mind was exploding. Too many questions. "Who is their target?" You asked and were scared that you would lose someone other important person. "Umm.." he mumbles and tries to avoid saying it. You heard knock on the door. Then someone yells: "OPEN THIS DOOR, THE WHOLE BUIDING IS EMBATTLED, YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!"

"Desmond, was that good idea that you didn't tell me that I am their target? Why did you leave me?" you snap on the phone. "Look (Y/n) it wasn't me! It was Lucy! She wanted me to come here because it was 'important' and she couldn't say it on phone, she didn't tell me to take you with me and I thought that it would be good for you to rest a little.." he explains quickly. "OPEN THE DOOR" the one behind your door shouts. "Just send someone to help me, I don't know how many of them are here", you muttered less angrily and shut the phone. Before you shut it you could hear Des saying: "Be careful." You put your phone in your pocket and start to search for weapons. You found nothing. But you knew that Lucy did want you out of this whatever game she was playing. Maybe she liked Clay? But Clay did choose you, not her. Was she jealous? Or why she didn't tell to Desmond to take you safe? What was she trying? You heard how the door was crashed and you heard some heavy footsteps. You quickly turned around and saw a man. You didn't have any weapons. You just looked at him and saw other templars coming to the aparment. 'This is it, I'm going to die' you thought and looked around. Nothing you could use as a weapon. You raised your hands up. "I can't fight all these bitches by myself and there is no way Desmond can get help here in time..", you muttered. Someone took your hands and lowered them. After he had tied them he hit you with something hard. And then it all went black.

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