007 license to stalk

465 16 11


Kurt's heart jumped in his chest. He couldn't hide a smile.

He's straight, he repeated to himself, he's even more than straight, he's straighter than the straightest of the straights. But he couldn't not be happy.

As the quiz went last to the end, Kurt's heart was beating faster and faster. What did Blaine want to tell him?

"Last question" the Activity Leader said. Kurt picked his bag and started to wake up.

"Where the hell are you going? It's the last question, we could win" Chandler said, confused.

Kurt was very competitive and wanted to win the quiz and Chandler was unable to answer most of the questions, but Blaine requested his presence.

As he quit the room, Kurt waited outside the room, lots of guys were exiting and they pushed him in every direction.

"Hey" said Blaine as he saw Kurt.

"What's the matter?" Asked he

"I don't want to meet her" replied Blaine, looking at the door to see if the stalkress was exiting. "Here she is" he said, taking Kurt's hat to hide

There were only two paths to reach the residential area, and they merged together after 10 metres.

"Is she still behind us?" Blaine asked

Kurt looked behind and saw Alice and her friend in the dark. "Yes, she's staring at us."

"What can we do now?" Blaine whispered

"I think the only way is RUN" Kurt shouted, sprinting on the start.

Blaine caught up really fast. They were both running and laughing.

"When we arrive at the flat, straight into the elevator" Kurt said. His chest hurt, too much running, but they left the girls behind.

As they entered the flat, they ran into the elevator.

Blaine had to sit down. They were both laughing so hard. He looked up at Kurt. He was staring back at him.

They stopped laughing.

The silence was getting pretty embarrassing.

Kurt looked at his shoes, then again at Blaine. He got up, and he was still watching him.

Blaine faked a cough.

The elevator finally reached the floor, making the noisy sound.

"Well, it was fun" Blaine back patted him and they both exited the elevator.

"Goodnight" said Kurt when he reached his room, Blaine's one was three metres farther.

He was entering his room when Blaine called him.

"Uhm, try to understand why she is stalking me, you are friend with Alice, aren't you?" He said "Knock if there are some news. My room is number 206"

The truth was that Alice was the most annoying girl in the world, she got super attached to Kurt and she didn't leave him a moment, talking about babies' stuff. Fortunately lately Alice was making new friends in her group and Kurt did everything to make her stay far from him.

Anyway Alice thought they were great friends, and she was talking with the other girl, out of her room.

Kurt went by them, trying to not reach their attention.

The stalkress watched him strangely, she probably knew that he was a friend of Blaine.

"I'm searching for Mr.Schue, have you seen him? "Asked Kurt, trying to motivate his presence there. He was a great liar and actor.

"No" said Alice and continued talking with the other girl.

She was quite stupid, didn't she understand that he was spying for Blaine?

"You are out of your mind for that guy"

"An actor" said the other girl looking at Kurt. She wasn't stupid. She was an Asian girl, Kurt couldn't define from which country, a little fat and not very acctractive.

I have more chance than you with him, he thought.

"Yes, or his double" said Alice. That girl was so stupid. "You have a great crush on him, don't you?" The other girl elbowed her.

"Tina!" She screamed

Kurt got the informations he needed.

"Maybe I could talk to Mr.Schue tomorrow" he said "Goodnight girls. And good luck with that guy" Kurt winked at the girl, as he turned to his room.

Good luck my butt, he thought, you will never have him.

He waited ten minutes, then he slinked out of his room and went to Blaine.

He knocked three times.

"Yes?" Blaine asked.

"It's Hummel"

Blaine partially opened the door.

"I'm in underwear" he said

Kurt blushed.

"Ugh, well, I don't care" he said, embarrassed "anyway, I'll text you with the news"

"Okay, see you tomorrow" he replied, closing the door.

Kurt got into his room and texted him.


While he was waiting Blaine to answer he called Mercedes, it was the second time in a week, but she was facing a bad time with a guy.

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