Chapter 15: Micheal

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Oriel wakes me up and whispers "it is your watch." I get up carfuly as to not wake up Steph. She mutters in her sleep and rolls over. I sit where Oriel had been sitting seconds before. I shift and watch Oriel lie down next to Bryson and close her eyes. Soon her breathing joins the others. I sit for at least 2 minutes when it hit me. Literally something crashed into the side of my head. a small bundled up peice of paper. I unfloded it and read.

To: Whoever finds this.

If you find this you are inside a giant maze most likely. I can't tell you who I am in case this letter is intersepted. All I can say is that you are in grave danger. you are surronded by a land called the scorch and in this land are desised humans called cranks. They are slowly going insane. and in this maze you are not safe! Follow these instructions and you can get out. Go to the jungle biome full of water trees. Then leave heading northwest. continue in this direction until you reach the forest biome. from there head east. until you reach the desert biome. then look for the awaisis clearing. you will see a door next to this door is a number lock. The code is 4493. then it will ask for a word password that password is SNOW. Then you will exit the maze. we will be waiting three days west if yo walk at a brisk pace with a two hour stop per meal. good luck.

From: the helpers

I stare at the sheet of paper a way out of the maze. I was agast. I turned and woke the others. Oriel shook her head as she woke. Steph just sat up and Bryson opened his eyes. I showed them the letter and they read sighlently. "Um, how do we know that this is authentic" Oriel said looking up.  "We follow the instructions and see if they are true." I replied curtly. Then Steph said looking tired  lets just sleep now and start tomorrow. Bryson nods and Oriel glares at me. "Fine" She said "But if we die of thirst I blame you." I nod they climbed back into their sleeping bags and soon fell asleep. I turn back and thought. At 12:00 I woke up Bryson and lay down beside Steph. Soon I drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.

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