Wicca's Come back

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The sound of heels clicking as someone scampered down the pavement gave life to the night air. In the midst of the darkness more footsteps rang out as those pursuing her grew closer,  gaining on her as the seconds of the chase passed by. Flashes of light illuminated the night sky and provided fleeting glimpses of the commotion taking place. She ran faster along the alley and the thud of trash cans and surprised screeches of cats indicated her tumble to the floor.

She struggled to get to her feet and past the smell and sight of the garbage, but came to a sudden halt when she came face to face with a brick wall that ran  higher than she could actually see. She scanned her surroundings for an exit before they could get to her, but nothing in the garbage-filled alley provided a solution to her problem. She turned around quickly and looked on in horror when she saw her assailant approaching her. With little effort, she commanded a dagger to appear in her hand. She gripped it tightly and plunged after her attacker. Her advance took no root as he flicked his wrist at her, sending her flying back into the garbage she had so gracefully stepped out of.

"Give up, you're no match for me. Come peacefully so you can await trial from the elders."

"I will never go with you." She said, throwing another dagger at him.

"Dagger!" She heard a female voice shout. With that command it stopped inches away from the man's eyes, disappeared into a cloud of blue dust and reappeared in the woman's hand.

"Either go willingly or with a bang." The woman said, flexing her fingers.

"I think I'll take the last option!" She shouted, running towards them both. With a swift movement she kicked the man, sending him backwards at an incredible pace. There was a look of shock on her attacker's face.

She moved towards the female, throwing a punch at her which the female quickly dodged without effort. She jumped high enough to avoid a kick coming her way, but before she knew it, the female sent a gust of wind her way knocking her to the floor. She struggled to get up off. The ground as her body moved against her will. She groaned in pain after being slammed into the wall, now unable to move. She struggled to hold herself up, dreading what they would do next.

"Are you going to stop this now?"

"So you can bring me to the elders? No thanks. I'm not going to Magic Prison, I happen to like my powers."

"You should've thought about that before you decided to abuse magic."

"What good am I to you when demons and warlocks are roaming Chicago and destroying everything in their wake?"

"All of that is under control now."

"I bet you can't control them, and you're using small thugs like me to send a message."

"Enough is enough. Chris, let's do this."

They both chanted
"Evil wind that blows
That which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell."

A ring of fire ignited around the captive, slowly working its way up, and then came to an abrupt stop. The girl looked at them, puzzled at first but then released a sigh of relief.  She shook herself free and the sound of her laughter rang throughout the alley as she disappeared into the night.

Charmed : The Fight حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن