Chapter Fifteen

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I feel ridiculous.

I'm currently standing in front of the mirror in Nat's room, staring skeptically at my reflection.

Nat has already assured me that I look amazing, but I can't help but feel too vulnerable. My outfit is one I'm comfortable in that consists of high waisted shorts, high top converse, a simple white top, and a jean jacket. But my curled hair and makeup are what leave me so indifferent.

My brown hair that normally reaches just below my collarbones now sits directly on them due to my curls. It's a rare occasion where I've decided to add top eyeliner and a little eye shadow to my makeup look, and I feel as though it makes me look like a raccoon.

But Nat tells me it's because I'm not used to wearing this much makeup.

And I believe her.

After we're both done getting ready, we pile into my car and head towards Louis' house. I was the one who insisted on driving us so I could leave the party whenever I felt necessary. Nat supported my decision, telling me she would always catch a ride with Styles and Niall if she needed to.

I grip the steering wheel a little tighter as I think about Styles being at the party. It's a setting that I've never seen him in before, and I can't help but imagine the various scenarios that he may fall under.

Is he the kind to get completely wasted at parties? Or will he be escorting some girl upstairs to make out?

The possibilities swarm around in my head and cause my throat to run dry. However, I know that it's not my place to pass any judgment. If anything, I should be thinking about Liam and the excitement of actually seeing him tonight. The fact that my thoughts had been focused on Styles instead makes a wave of guilt flood over me.

We arrive at the party and there are already a decent amount of cars parked outside of Louis' house. The sight causes me to let out a slow breath as I put my car into park and cut the engine.

"Relax, Olivia. I promise that it won't be as bad as that brain is making you believe," Nat tells me as she unbuckles her seatbelt and slides out of the car.

I get out along with her, the night air helping with the flush of my skin.

"I know," I say. "Hollywood always makes these parties seem like their on some other level, but I think I can assume it's all just a façade."

"Wait, have you never been to a party before?" Nat asks me, pausing next to my side of the car.

"Uh, well... not something like this... but gatherings with mutual friends and stuff," I tell her.

"For bloody sake. I didn't know you were a virgin," Nat says with a small laugh.

My eyes widen slightly at her choice of words.

"I meant a party virgin," she says slowly. "But based on your reaction I think I can assume that's not the only thing you've never done."

I shake my head. "Okay, we are not having this conversation right now."

"No, we're not. We're going into a great party with tons of hot guys. And we're going to have an awesome time," she reassures me.

It almost feels like she somehow teleported us inside of Louis' house. Suddenly I'm standing in his kitchen, waiting near the sink as Nat grabs some drinks for us. I'm not even sure if we bothered to knock on the door or just walked right inside of the house. However, I assume we did the latter of the two.

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