Chapter 8: Neji

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Once we got home we went to the training ground because we didn't have any homework. We stayed there for a couple of hours, then we went home and helped mom with dinner. We all went to bed.

~timeskip next day~ ~at school~

Once we went to class. In English, we had to define 99 words by the end of the month. (That's how my 7th grade year started) I got about 15 done by the end of class. We went to math and learned some easy algebra, like x+3=5 find x, which was 2. I went to gym and we were playing dodge ball. We got split up into two teams. On my team I had Gaara and Shikamaru. Kiba and Ino were on the other team. We all went to opposite sides of the gym, and once we heard the whistle, we ran for the dodge balls. I grabbed a ball and quickly threw it at someone, they didn't have time to react, they were out. I grabbed another ball and threw it at someone else, they were out too. I kept doing that for a little while. Gaara, me and two other boys were the last ones that were still in on our team, Kiba and three other boys were the last ones in on the other team. One boy tried to hit Gaara, but I quickly grabbed the ball midair, rolled on the ground, and threw it right back at him. He got out. The team tried to hit the back board to get the rest of their team in, but it didn't work. We had every dodge ball on our side of the gym, so we picked them up and ambushed them. Our team won and the bell rang. I got changed and went to lunch. I sat next to Kiba and Shikamaru. I turned to Kiba and stuck my hand out. "Gg my friend." I said. He gave me a questionable look. "Oh, good game." I told him. He crossed his arms. "We would have won if you would let your guard down." He said. I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to be like that you know." Shikamaru commented, I put my hand up. "It's alright Shika, no need to defend me, I know that he can be as stubborn as a mule." I said, glaring at Kiba. Everyone, besides Sasuke, started to snicker. Kiba's cheeks turned a bright pink. We went outside, then I went to music class with Sakura, Hinata, Choji, and Shino. In music we learned about musicals, and watched what is said to be one of the best, West Side Story. (If you haven't seen this movie you really should, I love it!) We got to the part when Maria was dancing around the dress shop and her friends were singing about her being crazy. The bell rang and we left. Sakura was squealing. "Oh my gosh! That movie is the story of Sasuke and me!" She squealed. I gave her a questionable look. "How is that exactly?" I questioned. 'I'm probably going to regret asking....' I thought. "Sasuke and I fell in love the first time we saw each other." She said, clasping her hands together. All of us facepalmed. "What?!" Sakura shouted. "Ms. Jackson said that the movie was a musical version of Romeo and Juliet." I told her. Everyone questionably looked at me. My eyes widened. "You guys don't know what Romeo and Juliet is, do you?" I asked. They shook their heads. I giggled a little. "I'm not a spoiler, so I won't tell you what happens. But trust me, you won't be saying that after we finish the movie." I told Sakura. Everyone was confused but shrugged it off. We got to our next class, science. We did a lab with M&Ms, and got to eat them when we were done.
We heard the last bell of the day and we went to the carpool lane. Once there we met up with everyone else and waited for dad. Dad picked us up and we went home. The entire time I saw Neji trying to hide the right side of his face for some reason.
Once we got home we worked on our homework, then went to the training ground. I found Neji alone and away from the group. "Neji?" I asked. He looked up at me, covering the right side of his face again. "Yes?" He asked. I sat on the ground next to him. "I've noticed that you've been covering part of your face since school ended. What's wrong?" I asked. He turned away from me. "It's non of your business really, just leave me alone." He said harshly. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from his face. He had a large bruise that started near his right eye and went down to his cheek. I stared wide-eyed at him. "Neji. What happened?!" I asked concerned. He sighed. "My math teacher asked a question and one of the boys were picked to solve it, he got it wrong and I was correcting him. Then when we were outside him and his friends came over to me. They called me a nerd and told me I had to do their homework, when I refused they beat me up ." He told me. "What about Tenten and Lee? They didn't help you?!" I asked. "They have lunch while I'm outside." He said. I balled up my fists. I then sighed and hugged Neji. "I'm sorry that happened to you. It's not going to happen again." I told him. "There you guys are! Are you coming I ruining a moment?" We looked up to see Tenten. We quickly pushed each other away. "No." We both said. "Okay then. Well we're ready to go when you guys are." She told us. "Sure let's go." Neji said. Tenten saw his face. "What happened?!" She asked concerned. "I-" Neji started but I cut him off. "He was trying to practice his chakra control, when I snuck up on him." Tenten sweatdroped. "Okay...." "Let's go. We got to eat dinner." I said. "Right." They both nodded. We went home and ate dinner, and got ready for bed. I looked up at Tenten, she looked sad. "Tenten? Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "You look sad. Are you sure?" She sighed. "I like Neji, but I think he likes you." She told me (yes I ship NejiTen. Don't judge!). I shook my head. "You've got it all wrong. Neji and I don't like each other. And I believe he really likes you. Trust me." I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and nodded. We went to bed.

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating for a while, I got a job over the summer, and now I'm back in school, so I've been juggling the two. I haven't really had a lot of time to write, so I decided to do it on the bus when I go and come back from school, which is about 30 minutes each, but it's better than nothing. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter.

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