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Omg this has serious feels :)💯

Dean's POV

I hadn't set the time yet and I imagined castiel was growing restless. I grabbed my gun and walked outside only to be met by people yelling and running terrified through the streets.

I went back in my motel room and turned on the news.

The reporter said. "Attention civilians castiel Novak is in the streets. Stay indoors take every precaution. This man is presumed armed and very dangerous. I repeat. Attention- " I turned the t.v. off and look up the block radius they had picked up from cas' phone call.

Baker St. My motel is on baker St. Was I in the same hotel as cas? We were right next to each other the whole time?!?!

Oh well, now I get to see my bee in action.

I walked back outside of our hotel and sat in a chair it front watching the people run in terror. I kept him waiting now I will wait for him.

Then it hit me. This is a hunting trip. Cas is going hunting.


"Sammy grab the bag and run!" I yelled to my younger brother shoving the bag of money in his hands as my voice is silenced by the loud sirens and helicopter blades.

This is it. This is the day I get beaten by the long arm of the law.

"Dean what about you!" Sam yelled looking into my eyes.

"I'll be fine, just get out of here!"

We had just finished up a job. In our line of work these jobs are called 'hunting.' Sam and I were just gonna do a quick smooth robbery of the bank before one of the hostages attacked and Sam shot him. Eventually the police arrived and cornered Sam and I.

But he needed to get away.

I knew I wasn't going to make it out. I accepted that. But not. Sam. He had to live, my whole life my job was always to protect him. And I was ready to go down swinging. Fighting the good fight. Saving my brother.

"Now! Hurry Sam."

Just then the police burst through the front door and I opened fire. Shooting at them from behind the counter as Sam ran for the exit. I had to cover him. Save him. Save Sammy.

Everything slowed. My heart rate. My blood flow. Time. This was hopeless. We weren't going to win and I knew this I just needed Sam to be safe.

I had ran out of bullets. I had nothing else to do. The police got closer. This is it. I ran backwards and started firing it of one of the dead police officers guns. One last time I would fight. I would take my last stand. All to save my little brother. To save Sam.

Then it happened.

One shot

One life



I didn't register what was happening until I was running mindlessly to Sam. My dying brother.

I picked up his head as police ran forward and I grabbed his arm and pulled towards the exit.

He was heavy. To heavy. I stumbled trying to save him. I tried running backwards faster. Closer and closer to the door. I had to help him. To pull him out of harms way. I tripped and sobbed his name. The police got closer.


I fell again.


I screamed as loud as I could.


I wasn't going to make it.

I had to avenge Sam.

I dropped his arm.

Ran for the door.

I made it.


~End flashback.~

It all came flooding back. Everything about that night. Sammy.

I could avenge Sam if I teamed up with castiel. We would bring terror unthinkable. And chaos unimaginable. They will pay for what they did to my baby brother. They will pay dearly.

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