My Guardian Ghost

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This story began in the early hours of a chilly (but not too cold), January morning. I was having some difficulty getting to sleep. This is not unusual for me, as I often have bouts of insomnia during stressful times in my life. I was at that time going through what my doctors call moderate depression. Before I continue, I want to make it clear that I was not suffering and have never suffered a psychosis and while I'm by no means the sanest person who ever lived, I have certainly never hallucinated anything.

The house that I live in is at the end of a cul-de-sac with two neighboring houses, one on each side. The house on the left has a large lawn with a long, wooden fence cutting it off from the main road (which was deserted at the time). Behind the fence are a couple of bare, skinny trees with very few branches. The trees are spaced far apart so you can still see everything over the fence. On the sidewalk, next to the trees and the fence, were a couple of tall streetlights that cast a bright orange glow. It also illuminated the fence and the lawn.

On this night I merely stepped out for some fresh air to clear my head. I took a seat on the patio step (I wasn't cold as I was wearing my fluffy white robe) and stared ahead into the distance. The house to my right was in complete darkness, while the house to my left was brightly lit (or at least the fence was). I don't know how many seconds passed by before I saw it, out of the corner of my eye I saw something dart across the top of the fence. I quickly turned my head to the left and saw a shadowy figure running across the fence. Let me repeat: this was not something I only saw out of my peripheral vision. I actually saw this figure head on with my own two eyes! No doubt because of the streetlights, I was able to see him so well.

I was only able to get a brief look at him before he disappeared into a lone tree that had zero branches. But I did see him long enough to take in his appearance. He had the silhouette of a tall, thin man with a long coat and a fedora hat. Other than that he was completely featureless. He had spaghetti like legs that wobbled as he ran. I can't be certain, as he moved too fast, but I'm pretty sure he didn't cast a shadow, despite being under enough light to do so.

After he disappeared, I just continued to stare at the vacant spot where he had been. Honestly, I don't think I could look away. I was feeling mostly confused and surprised. There was a tiny part of me that felt afraid, but not overwhelmingly. This was strange, for many reasons, but the main one being that I am deathly afraid of the dark, not to mention night time intruders. Needless to say, this is something that should have terrified me. I may not have been feeling calm and collected but I certainly didn't feel as if I were in any danger. Eventually I went back inside, but (understandably) I still had trouble falling asleep. I did in the end.

In the morning I told my mother what happened. She said that it could possibly have been the ghost of her father (my grandfather), who died before I was born. This is another oddity, as my mother has always been a skeptic when it comes to theories about the supernatural (I have too, to a certain degree).

I cannot say for sure what it was that I saw that night, but I can with certainty say what it was not. It was not an animal or a trick of light or my imagination. As I have said before, I have never before in my life seen something in front of my eyes that was not really there. I may be many things, but delusional is not one of them.

Somehow, I saw a shadowy phantom of a man dart across the top of the fence. How or why this happened, I haven't a clue. At that time I was unaware of the shadow person myth. It wasn't until much later that I found out about it and started researching it. I was startled to find stories with their descriptions of shadow people, eerily similar to my own. This continued to trouble me for a while. The only other time I saw a shadowy figure was when I was sick and in hospital. The image was much more fleeting and I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. I'm not at all sure if this is related, but the surgery I required couldn't allow me to be sedated which meant that I was fully conscious as a tube was inserted into my lung! Surprisingly I felt little next to no pain which surprised most of the medical staff.

Later I began to think that I possibly had a guardian angel, I wasn't certain so I started reading up on the subject. I also began to recall times in my childhood in which I felt I was being comforted by an outside force. There was one instance where I was so upset that I couldn't stop crying and then I felt a calm soothing sensation spread through me like a hand stroking the back of my head. I started reading techniques on how to communicate with my guardian angel, such as meditation etc.

Anyway a couple of nights ago, I believe I was kissed by an angel! I wanted to see and possibly speak to my guardian angel. I tried the night before with little next to no results. I relaxed myself by listening to my rain cd. I pictured myself in a place that made me happy - Disneyworld. I'm not sure if I had any more success than the previous night.

A couple of times I saw a shadowy figure approach me. Sometimes a stern face would appear before me. Sometimes the face would have cat like eyes, wrinkled skin and a heavy brow, other times the face would be completely smooth and flawless with two black holes for eyes. I mentally asked the figure, assuming it was my guardian angel, if they loved me. They didn't say anything but a brief image of a shower of small hearts came into my mind. I felt fairly sure that I had come into contact with my guardian angel. Suddenly, for reasons I can't explain, I was overcome with a yearning to have my guardian angel kiss me on the lips. It wasn't a sexual thing, but in that split second I felt like I might die if I didn't get that kiss. I laid there in expectation for a couple of seconds. I was so sure I wouldn't feel anything. Then out of nowhere I felt this pressure and warmth on my lips, in fact my whole face felt warmer and a dizzying sensation filled my head. It's hard to describe exactly how I felt that night but the one word that can describe it best is... Intense. Eventually it felt so intense that I had to pull away. When I did the intensity disappeared and elation replaced it.

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