Movie Nights

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The summer had been full of craziness making it seem like anything but a 'vacation'. Dipper and Mabel had explored most of the woods surrounding the Mystery Shack; to the point where it often bored them. Besides solving the mystery of who wrote the journals, Dipper felt like he had answered all the questions he could. Well, all except for how to get Wendy to go out with him. Dipper often found himself awake at night, needing sleep but not getting it. For all he could do was imagine spending time with Wendy; going on dates, experiencing his first kiss, even to the point where he started coming up with ideas for his wedding vows. Although he had found that he and Mabel are better at solving mysteries together, this was one he knew he had to keep to himself.
Dipper, despite all of his day dreaming and planning, found it difficult to talk to Wendy one on one because he always psyched himself out.  It came to the point where he considered just moving on and forgetting about his not-so-secret crush because of his lack of progress. That is, until Dipper found the big break he had been waiting for.

Dipper's POV
I sighed before crumpling up yet another letter addressed to Wendy. I grabbed another sheet of paper before beginning the process over again. "Dear Wendy," I stopped before considering the next sentence. After several minutes, my lack of a good set of words to express my feelings toward her made me crumple up that sheet too.
I hear the door to my room open and hastily stuff the crumpled letter into my vest pocket before turning to see Mabel.
"Hey bro-bro! What's up with the pile of papers?" She asks
"Oh, nothing. Just trying to, uh, solve the whole author mystery," I reply
"Ah hah. Anyhow, I'm going over to Candy's house for a sleepover so the room is yours tonight!" She says before taking out a suitcase and packing some things.
"Sounds good," I reply while flipping through the pages in the journal to make my excuse more believable.
Mabel finishes packing quickly, closes the suitcase and says goodbye for the night before leaving our room. I look at the time and notice that Wendy's shift doesn't end for another hour. I decide that I may as well try to talk to her before she leaves for the night and head downstairs for the gift shop.
"Hey dork," she says, ruffling my hair as I sit on the stool next to her work station
"H-hey Wendy, how's, uh, how's your day been?" I ask
She laughs and motions towards the empty gift shop. "I'm having the time of my life, as you can probably tell. What have you been up to all day? It's a little unusual for you to not come downstairs the whole day," she questions
"Oh, I was, uh, writing," I reply. I wince at her next question
"Uh, about my summer. We have an assignment due the first day of school about what we did" I lie
"That shouldn't be too hard for you. I'd say you've had quite the summer," she says
I laugh before saying "ya, I agree"
Her phone buzzes and she reads the text before groaning
"What's the matter?" I ask
"Well, I had invited Tambry over for a movie night and I was really looking forward to it since the day has been so slow, but she just canceled on me," Wendy says with a sigh
"What movie?" I ask
"My Mummy's a Werewolf" Wendy replies
"Oh my gosh, that movie is so bad it's funny! Mabel and I used to watch it all the time," I say with a laugh
"Seriously?" She asks
"Ya! It's one of my favorites" I reply
"Well, I'm still free tonight if you wanna come over and watch it..." Wendy says
I feel myself begin to blush like crazy. "Wait, seriously?! Me come over to your house? Tonight? And watch a movie? With you? Alone?!" I ask before mentally slapping myself
"Uh, ya. But if you don't want to it's fin-" I cut her off
"Are you kidding? I'd love to!" My eyes widen at what I just said, "I, uh, I mean ya. That sounds fun"
"Cool. Go grab whatever you need and then we can walk back to my house together. Sound good?" She asks
I smile and nod before going upstairs. As soon as I shut the door, I begin freaking out.

She invited me to a movie! Just us two! In her house! Alone! This is a date, right? It has to be... But she was just bored today and wanted company. But she chose me for company. After her other friend ditched her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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