Chapter 7: Answer of Love

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I have finally woke up from my stiff bed.

I stand up and looked at the clock

Heh... Exactly 11:00 AM


I totally forgot!

I have to go the conference..........

Because of the whole lie that Sora made

Ugh.... I know what he'll get when I win the conference

1 hour later

I look professional enough so the whole crowd won't think I'm such a fake...

I opened the door with camera sounds around me.

I sat down across the table.

Sora sitting across with Kayano with a smile of wins.

"The conference will now began with questioning Nagisa Shiota" Reporter said

I stand up and bow

"Mister Shiota.... Question one, Where were you the night or morning two days ago?" Reporter said

"I was at the library.. reading books..." I said

"Hmm... Did you or did not abuse actress Mase Haruna?" Reporter said

Why are they going straight to the obvious question?

"U-Uh.. I did not sir, I would never abuse Ka—Mase Haruna... never" I said

"Heh... Wow... Lying again... That's what you're good at..." Sora said

"I'm not lying... You're the one lying!" I said

The whole crowd goes silent

"Okay... We will now proceed questioning Actor Sora" Reporter said

Sora stand up and bows

"Where were you the night that this started?" Reporter said

Sora smiled

"Ohhh I was with my lovely girl! Of course I wouldn't leave her alone ... I mean she's adorable when she's mad haha..." Sora said with a smile and turned to me with a evil smile

"Hmm.. very well... Did you or did not abuse Mase Haruna?" Reporter said

"I absolutely did not, I would never abuse my lady, she's such a sweetheart... It's sad that she got abused by ... Nagisa...." Sora said

"I did not! You're making this up!" I said and stood up

"Heh.. Why would you think so?" Sora said

"You're always with her! .... She doesn't deserve this!" I said

"Heh... Who taught you that... Your middle school teacher.... Oh... wait... he no longer lives .... SINCE YOU KILLED HIM HAHAHA!" Sora said

He took it way far ... Which makes me mad

"You... You don't know what you're saying! You... don't deserve to talk like that to my teacher or ... Mase Haruna! You.. You abused her! I hate it... I really hate You abused the love of my life!" I said angrily

The whole crowd is shocked

"L-Love of his life?" A girl said

"Wait.. You're saying... He love Mase Haruna oooooooooo!!!!" A boy said

"This is news, this is news, this is news!" Reporter said

"U-Uh... Shut your mouth! You don't know our relationship! I... I love her! You... You probably used her as a tool!" Sora said

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