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"Hey Mari, I wonder if the magic mirrors work. I dare you to go through one!" Alya said. "But, what happens if I get caught?" I asked. "Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Alya nudged. "Fine," I sighed. I put one leg behind the red ropes. I touched the polished glass with the tip of my fingers.

Appearently something happened cause I was found in the middle of Paris. A flashback happened. No more evil doings for you little akuma, time to de-evilize! Bye-bye little butterfly! Bein joué! Wha?

I never remember doing anything like that. "Marinette, are you okay?" A red small creature popped up out of my bag. "Ack! What are you, who are you, and what do you mean by okay?" I said while scooting back.

"Wait, did you loose your memory? Well...," The creature said tapping her chin. "We should go somewhere more private." I walked with the creature to an abandoned ally. "I'm Tikki, your kwami! You are the superhero, Ladybug who suppose to save Paris from akumas with your partner Chat Noir!" Tikki explained.

"You fell off your balcony while talking to me. I warned you too!" Tikki continued. "But, I walked- got pulled into a magic mirror," I explained. "I'm a wizard apprentice, Tikki is the name of the Ladybug doll my grandmother got me, and Chat Noir is the name of my partner, but in wizardtry."

"Magic? But that's impossible!" Tikki said. "Says the talking fairy," I laughed. "Kwami," She corrected. "Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. "It's alright." Tikki flew into my purse which made me question.

How am I going to get back home? What if I get stuck here. When will I get out? Will I get out? Who'll remember me? Why did I do this? "I'm home..." I mumbled.

I went upstairs and saw a sewing machine. Oh, so the Marinette here sews too. I thought. I took a look at the designs, Hey, these are pretty good.

Maybe I should think about how I'm going to get back. I grabbed a book from my bag and opened it. Flipping threw the pages, I found a mirror from the museum.

A crash a was heard by the Eiffel Tower. "Tikki, what was that?" Tikki flew up to me with worried eyes. "It's an akuma! I'll teach-" I interrupted Tikki. "I know, I'm not a noob at everything."

I rubbed the top of Tikki's head and asked, "So, what do I do?" Tikki giggled. "Say spots on." "Spots on?-" Tikki disappeared and a red polkadot rubber suit appeared on me.

"Tikki, what is this?" I heard no response. "Tikki?" I went up a trap door. "Look! It's Ladybug!" Someone screamed. So, I guess this is very similar to my life.

I used my yoyo thing to swing to the Eiffel Tower. "Hello m'lady," Someone said behind me. I turned around to see someone that looked like Chat Noir. "Adrien?" I asked.

His eyes widen. Oops! I guess we're not suppose to know our identities, my bad! "Duuuuhhh.... I mean Chat Noir! Um, I'm sorry I was just thinking about... Someone." I mentally slapped myself.

He sighed and said, "I guess I'm that bad at keeping my secret?" He smiled. That smile. The smile that I would give up anything for. Snap out of it Mari!

"I'm sorry, Tikki said I fell off my balcony, but I'm really from another dimension." Hopefully I can trust him. "Tikki?" He asked. "My kwami," I answered.

"So you know me in another dimension?" He asked. "Yeah..." I mumbled. "Well, why don't I pay you back by telling me your real identity?" Should I? Suddenly, another flashback happened.

Nobody can know our real identities. Not even us. I smirked. "Sorry, kitty, but I have to promise not to tell you." I flicked his nose. It's nice to have him back. "Let's just deal with the akuma!" I told him.

I looked at the person with a purple butterfly. If I remember correctly, the spell to read someone's mind is... "Now, Vionela, bring me their miraculous," I heard.

"Not so fast!" Chat Noir yelled. I guess I was spacing out. The person had a violin and play it. Chat Noir flew back and a purple blade almost hit him, but I ran in front.

"That'll work to. Let's just see what song fits you," Vionela said. She started playing the violin. Another flashback happened, this time it's in her dimension.

"Say, Mari, what song do you think'll match us?" Adrien asked. A tear slipped down. "Hm, how about I won't give up on you?" I love that song! "Please, no," I cried.

I didn't know it but I accidentally used a spell on Adrien before getting hit. "M-Marinette?" I looked at Chat Noir. I didn't care anymore. My body was as still as a statue.

"But I won't give up on us," Adrien sang. I giggled. "Even if the skies get rough," I continued. We were inches apart. Adrien brushed his lips against mine.

"Stop! Please!" I said shaking my head.

A few days after their kiss.

"Adrien, are you sure you want to do this?" Adrien was climbing a 56 ft. tall tree to save a black cat. How did it even get there? "I'm fine!" I looked in my bag for a wand just in case.

"No! Please!" Vionela kept on playing no matter what. "Don't do this."


"Adrien!" I screamed. Wand where are you?!? I ran towards the tree, but it was too late. "This is all my fault," I cried.

I fell on my knees. I screamed and cried, I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm so sorry Adrien," I whispered.

At the hospital.

"I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up." I laid my head down on the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Grab her miraculous!" A male voice said. "I'm sorry, I didn't didn't know," Chat said. "It's alright," I said. "We better get the akuma," I mumbled while getting up. "You can't change the past, but you can change the future," I said.

Another blade was flying towards us, this time red. We dodged it Chat said, "Cataclysm!" He ran towards Vionela and touched her violin. The violin disappeared meaning she couldn't hurt us. Physically or emotionally.

I grabbed her wand and broke it. "No more evil doings for you little akuma, time to de-evilize! Gotcha!" I opened up the yoyo and said, "Bye-bye little butterfly." I turned to Chat. "Bein- Jouè? Chat, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I heard a beep. "You suffered because of me." His transformation wore off. Standing in front of me was, the love of my life, Adrien Agreste. I couldn't help it, a tear slipped down my cheek.

I gave him a hug and said, "I'm so sorry, I missed you so much." My transformation ran off. I turned back to the ordinary clumsy Marinette that no one knows.

"Um, Princess. You know we're around 500 feet high with only 5 feet of metal to stand on, right?" I gave Tikki a cookie, she already knew what happened. "Tikki, spots on!" I grabbed Adrien and asked, "Where to?"

He pointed to a mansion by my 'home'. "Alright." Once I let him down, I kissed his forehead and waved goodbye. "See ya tomorrow," I said. My transformation wore off once I reached my house.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told Tikki.

So, how do you like the first chapter? I know I used the word I too much and I apologize for that. Hope you enjoyed because I wrote 1273 words and still counting! Thanks for reading!

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