A Battle Never Forgotten

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"Natsu!" My mother shouted from the kitchen, "Come down for dinner before your food gets cold!"

I jumped in my chair, turning on the television, "in a second mom! The match is about to begin!"

She scoffed, "Are you watching that boxing stuff again?"

I stiffened, "Yes?" I said, unsure if I answered that question correctly.

She sighed, "what am I going to do with him. Eight year old boys shouldn't be watching that kind of stuff," she said, setting the table.

I straightened my back in my chair staring deeply into the television waiting for the match to begin.

Gildart's against Byro Cacy.

The most anticipated fight of the year.

Two legends in the ring going head to head and I'm alive to see it.

I watched as the ring announcer walked into the ring wearing the same jet black suit with the red bow tie. Clearing his throat he grabbed the microphone hanging from above, "ladies and gentlemen!" His voice boomed from every corner of the stadium, further exciting the crowd, "coming to the ring, your world champion, Gildart's Clive!"

Excitement buzzed through the charged air as the legend came from the tunnel and onto the ring. He was a legend after all, traveling country to country fighting the strongest of the strongest and never lost a single battle.

I remember watching my first boxing match with my dad. We had front row seats to one of his matches and I was so excited to finally be up close to see him fight. I remember watching him and seeing how fast and swiftly he moved dodging the opponents punches. Ever since that match I knew I wanted to become a boxer just like him.

"And on my left entering the ring, they call him the reaper himself, Byro Cacy!" The crowd went just as insane as they did when they introduced Gildarts. Byro was just as amazing as Gildarts. He was known for his brutal fighting style in the ring. His last match ended with his opponent in a coma.

I watched as their coaches talked and prepped them for their match. I stared at Gildarts corner watching him talking to his coach. The legendary coach himself, the Aviator.

Weird name huh? But he is responsible for coaching some of the best fighters and he himself was a fighting legend.

"Let the match begin!" The ring announcer yelled.

As soon as the whistle blew, the two fighters knocked their gloves together and got into their fighting stances.

Gildarts put his gloves up covering his face while Byro went straight for the kill and started throwing cross punches toward his face. Gildarts stood his ground as each punch landed on him. Soon Byro started getting faster and faster with his punches, not giving enough time for Gildarts to respond.

"Come on Gildarts!" I screamed, gripping the arms of my chairs.

"Keep it down!" Mom yelled.

Byro wasn't giving up. He threw every punch he knew at him and it didn't seem like he was losing any stamina.

"What are you doing Gildarts? Fight back." I gripped the handles of my chair even tighter, nervous about the outcome of this fight. I watched closely trying to figure out if Gildarts had a plan. There was only a minute left in the round and all Gildarts was doing was blocking the punches.

Three minutes passed and the first bell rang indicating the first round was over. Both fighters went backed away, still staring at each other.

Byro pointed his fist at Gildarts, smiling, "the king is dead, " he laughed.

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