Chapter 1

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"Sirena, get down here this instant or else you will be late for school!", my mom yelled. My dog, Sparky, barked at her to shush because apparently he was still sleepy.

"Coming mom.", I spoke back. I could hear my mom's thought perfectly, “Why was she out late last night? I need to talk to her about it A.S.A.P"

It's true i was out late last night but i was not doing anything harmful. I guess I will have to tell my mom where i was...after school. I quickly finished curling my hair and looked in the mirror

I walked down the stairs leading from my room to the kitchen. I instantly was pounded with the smell of bacon and sausages. Great. My mom knows I am a vegetarian but she still tries to tempt me into eating meat. I have been a vegetarian for over four years now and I am not giving up. I headed towards the bowl full of fruit on the island counter and snatched an apple and a banana. I turned to see my mom playfully glaring at me. I lightly chuckled and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey Mommy. So I guess I win this battle?" I asked playfully. She smirked at me and picked up a piece of bacon and all I saw was it being thrown towards me. I let out a shriek and ducked. Lucky for me I dodged it. SCORE. But I dropped my banana and the apple. Sparky quickly took the piece of bacon into my room and I guess had his breakfast; he left the fruits. FATTY.

"Yes sweetheart. I guess you do. But we still have dinner." She evilly smirked at me. I picked up the now unsanitary fruit and dumped them in the trashcan. I was about to nod my head to signal I was agreeing to dinner but then I remembered that we were having a surprise get together for Chanel's birthday today. And I was also going to be going somewhere after the get together.

"Uhm, about that I was actually going to ask you if I could go to Chanel's house. We are having a surprise get together for her since today is her birthday y’know. So can I go?" I asked with puppy eyes. My mom was thinking and I tuned in to her thoughts, "I really don't think I should let her go. Today is the seven year anniversary of Isabel's death." I flinched at the last sentence she just thought. I knew today was the day of her death but i honestly didn't want anyone bringing it up. I then felt the urge to let a tear fall but i held it in and was startled by my mom's voice. I forgot she was even here.

"Sirena, are you sure you are up to go tonight?" She emphasized on the word 'tonight' and i obviously knew why but i was just going to act as if I didn't know what she was talking about so i just said,

"Yeah mom, of course. So can I go?" She nodded her head slowly and i let out a small squeal and lunged at her. I heard her laughing which made me smile.

"Okay but promise me you will be home before 1 in the morning. I don't want to be worrying about where you are."

"Yes mommy. Oh and uhm before the get together, do you think i could go see Mrs. Marigold?" I felt my mom tense up but she said,

"Yes you can and if you could also give her this?" My mom let go of me and turned toward the closet door which was in the hallway exiting the kitchen. After about a minute she came back with a small ivory colored box. She opened it and i saw a necklace that had the words 'Love and Hope' written. She handed it to me and I smiled and said,

"I would be most honored to give it to her mom." I checked the clock that was hanging on the wall in the kitchen and it read 7:55; school starts at 8:20.

"Mom i think we better get going because I seriously don't want to be late." She nodded and went to grab her keys and walked toward the front door. I was about to start for the door but then I remembered...Chanel's present. I dashed towards my room and grabbed her gift and put it in my purse. I then put the box that contained the necklace in my purse. I ran towards the car and hopped in.

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