Chapter 3||I do not like surprises

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"We're back." Bellamy said as he gently nudged Clarke's shoulders. Clarke's eyes fluttered open and she looked around to see that she was back home.

"So you were really telling the truth then?" Clarke asked with a half smile.

"We angels never lie." He said proudly. His hair seemed to be messier than before and Clarke couldn't help but think it was adorable.

"Really?" Clarke quirked an eyebrow at him as she started to walk towards the kitchen where her dinner was waiting for her.

"Yes really. If we lie it could put our assigned person in danger." Bellamy walked over to the kitchen table and sat down where Lincoln's food is. "So that's why we are sworn to tell the truth."

Clarke gives him an approving nod and sits down where she originally was. "Do you know when Lincoln will be back?"

Bellamys grabbed a fork and started to scoop up some spaghetti. "Don't know. Depending on when and where Octavia took him, he could be back in a couple minutes, a couple hours, maybe even a day. Different people come back at different times. But he'll be back." Bellamy gave her a reassuring smile before bringing the fork up to his mouth and eating the sauce covered noodles.

Clarke quirked an eyebrow at him before taking a bite of her own. "You know that that's my brother's dinner right? He's gonna wonder where it is when he gets back."

Bellamy shook his head and grinned a little bit. "Nothing that I can't fix." He put down the fork and snapped his fingers. Clarke looked down at the plate. It looked full, and untouched.

"Whoa how'd you do that?" Clarke asked with an amused tone.

"I'm an angel remember. Certain angels can do certain things. In my case, I can replenish things." He showed his pearly white teeth in a giant smile and Clarke couldn't help but laugh.

"Can you do anything else?" Clarke asked, obviously interested in the subject.

"Guess you'll have to find out." Bellamy smirked before standing up and walking towards the living room, which was adjacent to the kitchen. Clarke watched him as he fluffed up one of the couch cushions and sat down.

"You know you have a habit of making yourself feel at home, right?" Clarke took another bite of her pasta as she eyed Bellamy from the other room.

"Oh yeah, fully aware of it. I just can't help myself, your place is pretty comfy." Bellamy threw his hands behind his head and sank back into the cushion.

Clarke shook her head a little bit before taking another bite and standing up. "So how exactly does this guardian angel thing work?"

Bellamy opened an eye and looked at Clarke. He let out a breath and then closed his eye. "Well, when your dad was still alive, we believed that you were protected, and then when he d-passed away, you went down a deep dark hole. We almost couldn't get you out....but we did, and now here I am."

Clarke held back a tear as she sat down on a chair across from the couch. "So, what are you here to protect me from?"

Bellamy opened his eyes and sat up. He looked Clarke straight in the eyes and gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, I was sent to help guide you, and help you make the right choices. Make sure you don't get into trouble."

"So you're like my babysitter?" Clarke gave him a weary look.

"Well kind of, but not really, because babysitters don't let you have fun," Bellamy stood and walked closer to Clarke, "and I'll let you have fun."

My Guardian Angel// Bellarke AUWhere stories live. Discover now